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Uol. 47.]
31 Aug.
2 Septemb.
we dreu up the publik letter to be sent to presbyteries,1 and
reasons for ruling elders,2 and against constant moderators.
On Tuesday, we heard Mr. William Colin preatch on 102
Ps. 13 v., ‘ Thou wilt aryse and haive mercie upon Zion, for
the apoynted tyme is come.’ Afternoone I distributed amongst
the ministers for every presbyterie on of the printed reasons
for the assemblee, on of the publik, on of the privat directions,
on of the reasons for ruling elders. That night, and on
Wedensday morning, I got the letters subscryved be the
noblemen, barons, ministers, burroues, and delyvered the
letters to the ministers that afternoone; siklyk, letters to
the schyres was delyvered to the barons.
On Foorsday I wryte out my aunsuear to D. Corse,3 and
gaive it to Mr. D. Calderwood quho was aunsuering it fully.
On Frayday morning I was verrie seak, had a great loosnes
in my belly; heard Mr. Robert Bruce upon Chryst casting the
buyers and sellers out of the temple. I went out to Wairis-
tone, and remembred hou the Lord had brought me up
through many diseases in my bairne aige, contrair to any
bodies exspectation; did yet every yeir nurtur me by yeirly
seaknesses and paines to hold me lou; and yet assured me he
was not soone to remove me, bot was praepairing great things
for me, and me for them ;4 Blissed be his naime,1 sayd my saule,
‘ for this his continual kyndnesse, and blissed be his naime that
at this last meiting maid us to advance in his cause, at least in
resolution, tuo great steps, the on of restoring ruling elders,
quid Ik wil mainteane our kirk discipline and hold Episcopacie
at the staffe end, the uther of chusing commissioners to the
assemblee befor they be distracted, brybed, corrupted.’ I pray
the Lord we may heare of the Lords hand holding hand to
the execution of thir resolutions quhilk he put in our mynds,
so we may seie the Lords work further and further advancing
to his glory and our comfort, for Chrysts saik.
On Sunday, I heard Mr. Jhon Chairtres, and read privatly
the treatise of ‘ Timothy and Titus unbischoped.’4 That day,
amongst uther thoughts, it pleased the Lord to bring to my
1 Stevenson, vol. ii. p. 408. 2 Hid., p. 401.
3 Dr. Forbes of Corse. See p. 348.
4 Tke Unbishoping of Timothy and Titus, by William Prynne. First com¬
piled. Printed in the year 1636. Reprinted with additions, London, 1661.

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