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aritie with my God; with great aboundance of tears, sense,
and motion, I past through Gods particular favors to me,
al praepairing me for this work; his extraordinary calling
me to himselth; his continual reclayming and recalling me;
his settling me in this particular calling after many doubts,
perplexities, and irresolutions; his reentring me again thairin
after three yeirs interruption and despaire; his imploying pro¬
vidence and assisting grace thairin ; his deinzeing to honor so
unworthy, unaible a worme with the imployment, burden, and
credit of this his auin cause; his assisting and directing the
hitherto thairin; his sealing up to thy auin conscience, and his
proclayming to the whol world ane publik aunsuear, be his
providence and out of the mouth of his servants, to thy
scruples anent thy calling, thy impossibilitie to glorifie him in
thy lyfe or in that calling, to wit, that he hes called thairto,
and hes glorifyed himselth by the in that calling, to the quhilk
he had apoynted from thy mothers belly. My saule blissed the
Lord for al thir, and was forced, out of my present experience
of Gods treuth, to acknouledge befor God and his angels that
the Lord had performed his promises maid to me in the tyme
of my trouble (as they ar set doune in my former purport),
yea above al that I could ask or think; only thair was on
thing the Lord remembred me to remember him bak againe of
it,—that in the tyme of my greatest trouble, faintnes, and
unlyklihood of al wordly means and apearances, as the Lord
\_fol. 40.] assured me he wald delyver me out of my affliction, keipe me
in my tentations, settle me in my confusions, and direct me in
my choyse of ane calling, and force me on day to acknouledge
that he had keiped, delyvered, settled, and directed me, so also
he wald settle me according to my first estait and doe better
things to me nor at the beginning, as in 36 Hezek. He
insinuated to my mynd that he was visibly and outwardly evin
to blisse and prosper me in this world and to fatten my
portion, and maik me confesse that my lyne yet had fallen in
mor pleasant places nor befor (albeit for the tyme I thought it
altogither impossible), and to maik my cupe yet mor, yea far
mor nor ever befor, to overfloue; and maid me in my greatest
extremities both to beleive, to hoope, and assuredly to exspect

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