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DIARY, 1637-1639
profession, and blondered Gods former work by my passionat
and crooked wayes; and that, if the Lord contineued my lyfe, I
might seie and feele that, as he did heginne with me in ane
extraordinar maner both in my regeneration, in settling me in
my calling, and in imploying me in this busines, so he wald
contineu to glorifie himselth in my lyfe and death for Chryst
Jesus saik; and that, as I thanked him for procuring himselth,
and, under himselth, so many clients to me this 8 month bygon,
so also I begged humbly the Lords direction quhither I sould
imbrace any persons particular imployment, least it distract
me from the thoughts of the publik busines quhilk I sould and
does praeferre to al mens particulars or myne auin commoditie
thairin ; and, if I may, that the Lord wald let me seie his
merciful hand in the imploying of me in that calling (quhilk
nou he hes sealed up to me from the heavens as that quhairin I
sould serve him), and in assisting me with thos gifts of prompti¬
tude, readines, solidnes, scharpnes, firmenes, of invention, judg¬
ment, memorie, utterance quhilk he knoues to be necessar for
dischairging thes imployments, especyaly quhen, at this tyme,
the Lords auin busines wil not suffer me to taik great tyme to
studying and reading for acquyring ordinarly further qualifica¬
tion ; that, as I haive reason to thank God, becaus never man
wan so mutch, eyther benefyte or credit or clients, on ane 1000
sessions as I haive winne this last vaicans, so I may haive
occasion to prays him for his imploying and assisting me in al
the particular passages of my calling, especyaly nou at this
tyme quhen evin I haive found my estait and house perisching
quhyle the Lord bends my mynd and heart soly upon the
buylding of his house, evin of Jerusalem. Afternoon I heard
Mr. Guthrie, minister of Stirlin.1 After sermon I recomended
my foranoon thoughts to God againe; and prayed earnestly for
his direction, providence, and assistance. After that I had
written quhat praeceids I was forced to walk up and doune my
chalmer; and thair, for the space of tuo or threie hours,
I got ane exceiding great libertie, freidom, and famili-
1 Deposed for malignancy November 14, 1648. After the Restoration he was
made Bishop of Dunkeld.

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