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I reneued by suearing to performe them, for in al my prayers
at every tyme I promised thair accomplischment. I, seing the
caldreifnes, negligence, drynes of my petitions, was forced to
acknoledge that allanerly my best prayers, being hot men-
struous clouts, sufficed to keape al good from me and to bring
al evil to me. I desyred instantlie that the Lord wald increasse
my patience until my delyverie; and then that he vvald mak me
thankful for his goodnes in to me, to the end thir papers might
be filled up by relating Gods casting me doune, uphalding me
under, and delyvering me from trouble.
Upon Tuesday morning I read over my marques of Hosea
and Joel, adhaering cheifly to the 2, 6, and 14 ch. of Hosea
and to the 12 v. of 2 c. of Joel, quhilk ever bread unto me
mutch comfort. After that the Lord opened my eies to seie his
wonderful goodnes to me during al the tyme of my trouble,
quhairat he maid my heart to leape within me for joie, and my
mouth to cry that he had never dealt so bountifully and com-
passionatly with any creature as he had dealt with me, suppose
never on had so greived him and offended him as I had doone ;
he lot me seie that al his works with me in my trouble wer as
many wonders and miracles, both in respect of his pouer and
love, quherby he maid me to sueare that Gods mercie was
above al his works, that he pitied his saints as a tender hearted
fayther pitieth his children, that al his promises was ful of
treuth, al his works ful of love, al his footsteps continualy
droped fatnesse to his auin ; he lot me seie that he had hard
tuo of my petitions and fulfilled tuo of his promises by forcing
me to acknouledge, affirme, and sueare that the day of my
trouble, quhilk seiemed to proceed from his wrayth and tend
to my wrak, preceded from his love and tended to my weal;
secondly, that he had bein with me in my trouble, directing
me in my confusions, comforting me in my afflictions, and up¬
halding me in my tentations. Heirby my saule, astonisched
at his goodnes, was forced to blisse him ; voued to serve him,
to rely on him in al my troubles and especialy in this present,
evin that he wald perfect the work quhilk he had begune, evin
that he wald hear my thrid prayer and performe his thrid
promise concerning my delyverie out of it; quhairupon I fre¬
quently, fervently, and confidently put up this petition, ‘ Dear

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