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quhen Mr. Jhon Adamson1 on 19 Ps. 8 v., ‘ The testimony of
the Lord is sure ’ (in respect of veracite, ingenuite, faithfulnes,)
‘ making wyse the simple,’ to wit making them wyse builders,
wyse thresaurers, wyse steuarts. Betuixt sermons I got som
tears and groans; after the afternoons sermon I got freedom in
my auin chalmer, laying doune befor God al the motives I had
for wissing the chainge of my present estaite.
Upon Mononday morning I applyed to myselth the Izraelits 2S Nov-
crying at the Read Sea, vouing to sing thair song if I got
thair delyverie, and Jehosophats caise in the 20 of 2 Chron:;
yea, after that, finding my natural corruption inclyned to im-
patiency, infidelite, and fc., in caise of delay or rejection, and
on the uther hand to securite and unthankful forgetfulnes in
caise of admission, I ran out of myselth by ane extraordinar
motion, with many tears, groans, and crys, and I cust myselth,
as it wer desperat, in the armes of Gods provident mercies,
crying, ‘ O Lord, I waite not (only) quhat to doe as Jehosophat
sayed, hot, quhilk is mor, I waite not so mutch as quhat to wisse
for to doe or to be doone to me; I commit not only my wayes
as in 37 Ps. bot my verrie wisses unto the, for I distrust my
auin wit, my will, my affections; they ever wer, they ever wil
be enclyned to evil; and on the contraire al thy wayes towards
me was ever mercie and treuth, yea thos quhilk seiemed most to
proceed from thy wrayth and to tend to my wrak, they pro-
ceded most from thy love and tended most to my weal. So I
sueare and subscryves, by ane experimented tounge and hand,
that thou turnes al to the best to them that love the, 8 Rom:,
therfor I despaire of myselth and trusts in the; I submit my
verry wisses to be ruled by thy wil; delay, reject, admit, cutt or
carve as thou wil, I subscryve heir ane blank and puts it in the
hands of thy Faytherly kyndnes ; come quhat wil come I knou
not, bot this my trusting in God as ane good anteambulo, and
maks me actualy blissed. Al that day I continuated my [f°l-
ejaculations to the Lord. Afternoone I was a litle cast
doune by seing ane young gentleman come out with hir uncle;
bot, remembring the Lord againe, I gathred my wits and
recollected courage. At evening I went over my voues quhilk
Principal of the University.

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