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[30v] and consentis ...60 unto him our full power and mandat during his
lyfetyme to uptak the samyn for the persones quhatsumever addettit in
payment thereof yeirly and timely at the termes of payment usit and wont,
and to tak and pursew therefoir gif none beis acquittant or acquittance is
to gif thereupon as efferis quhilk salbe als valiabill to the payes as gif thai
war gevin and subscryvit [by] us. And finally all and sundry thingis to be
use quhereby he may mak him self in our name and be our power to be
payit of the saidis annuelhs and dewetis and quhilk we myt do our selfis in
ony maner of way during the said tyme. Provyding that the said William
bestow the maist part of the saidis annuelhs upon the helping, supporting
and sustening of the saidis Agnes and Cristane his mother and sister during
his lyfetyme with them for the quhilk he salbe answerabill unto us. And
dischargis the said William in respect of the promise of all comptes and
payment of the said annuelhs to be tane up be him during the space of his
lyfetyme and oblishes us [and]our successores with aths, consent, and assent
as sais is to renew thir presentis for the saids Wilhames securitie of the saidis
annuels during his lyfetyme so oft as neid beis. And thairfoir ordanis Andrew
Donaldson and James Adamson maisters of hospital foirsaid to contract with
the said William Rynd in manner and form as is afoir specefeit for the
special intertenement of his mother and sister induring his tyme. (William
Ryndis Contract)
Comperis Cristane Cok relaps in fornication and confessis hir second fact of
fornication with George Jak younger and submittis hir self to the discipline
of the kirk. (Cristane Cok. Sa.)61
Ordains Jhon Dawson to satisfie the act geven out and maid anent sklanders62
flyters and for sklandering of Cristane Sympson spouse to James Lamb
Vigesimo secundo Septembris
Comperis Richart Blak andViolat Kynglessye and desyris their bannes to be
proclamit. Caution for the man Ewin Rynd, for the woman Thomas Richy.
Comperis Margreit Makdill and confessis hir first fault of fornication and
that with Duncan Makcust and submittis hir self to the discipUne of the
kirk. (Margaret Makdill)
60 Seven or eight words illegible; the phrase ‘gowning and commoning’ may appear near the
end of the line.
61 ‘Sa.’ perhaps the shorthand for ‘satisfied’.
62 Slanderous.

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