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Comperis James Jakson and Nans Wod and desyris their bannes of mariage
to be proclamit. Caution for the man Alexander Gibson, for the woman
Jhon Wod hir fayther.
Comperis Wilham Ronaldson and Marion Fell and desyris their bannes of
mariage to be proclamit. Caution for the man Thomas Crie, for the woman
Jhon Ryrie.
Margreit Mackerres alias Owin confessis that scho haid carnal deal with
Androw Ogilby servitor to my Lady Gowry and that under promese of
mariage, quha now is departit in the Lord of this present lyf. And now
sensyne contenuing in hir sklanderouse lyf and adjourning out of hir gud
fathers house, scho geid to Jhon Finlason servitor to the laird of Copmalindy
and drank with him using company with him at hir plessor, quhilk is very
sklanderous, on the quhilk follow[it ] tymmer4 and play betwix hir gud
father Androw Basiley and Androw Thomson with the said Jhon Finlason
with quhom scho confesses carnal deal.5 (Margret Mackerres)
In respect that the flechers ar found to contravene the acts set down and
not keping the saboth nor resorting to their owin publick place6 as becums,
ordanis the Reider to pass to his brother the deakin7 and intimat our ordi¬
nance to him and the haill bretheren, quha is to not[e] the names of the
absentes out of their place befoir and efter none in tyme of preitsching and
present them to the kirk the Monoday nixt efter, and to assur them that
according to the act of parliament the penultie salbe tane of them toties
quoties thai ar found to offend, with oversicht8 at this present in houp of
amendment, (flecschers)
Comperis Jean Thorneton confessing hir former faultis and crimes as is
befoir set down [in] the buikes of assembhe. And now of new confessis hir
fact of adultery with David Achterlony servant to the erle of Crawfurd for
the tyme quha haid carnal deal with hir sundry and dyverse tymes. And lyk
wayis confesses that scho haid never carnal deal with Oliver Peblis sen the
Lordis came out of Ingland in Scodand. (Jean Thorneton)
4 A musical instrument, perhaps a tambourine.
5 The last phrase, in a different ink, seems to have been added later. Mackerres’s case continues
15 Dec.
6 Their guild seat in the kirk.
7 Of the fleshers.
8 ‘OT is here crossed out.

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