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Comperis Thomas Broun and Isobel Watson and desyrs their bandis to be
proclamit. Caution for the man Ronald Cleroch, for the woman David
Septimo Novembris 1587
The act against flyteris in the beginning of the buik concludit this dy.101
Compeiris Thomas Dundie and confessis his fornication with Gillys Mitschell
and therefoir submittis him to the disciphne of the kirk and appointis him
presently to gif to James Sym fourty shillings for dispensation of the towr
and erase heid102 and find caution that quhen he returnis fra Endernes103 to
enter to the stule of repentance but104 ony contradiction. (Walter Doglesche)
Appointis ane fast to begin on Saturday nixt and to continue quhill Sonday
acht dayis therefter at even with greit humihation and prayer to god that
it wald pleise him to remove the plaige of the pest from the touns of
Edinburgh, Leith etc and to preserve us therefra as also to preserve us fra
the pest of the saul quhilk is papistrik ignorance maitenit presently be thir
Jesuites and papists new cum in, quha pressis to bring men under the thral-
dome of idolatrie and ignorance and from the trew knawlege of Cryst
our savior revelit to us in his word and to embrace their superstition, reitis
and ceremoneis fra the quhilk the lord preserve us. And ordanis this to be
notefiit fra the pulpeit on Thursday nixt that nane incur ignorance heirof
that every ane may address tham to fasting, to prayer and humihation at the
tyme appointed. (Fast)105
Comperit Patrik Law and Cristen Wilson and desyre their bandis to be
proclamit. Caution for the man Thomas Donaldson, for the woman Jhon
[12v] Comperit Patrik Wylie and Margreit Bow and desyrit their bandis to
be proclamit. Caution for the man Patrik Burroch, for the woman David
Compeiris Andrew Fischer and Nans Lud and desyris their bandis of
mariage to be proclamit. Caution for the man Andrew Jhoneson, for the
woman Thomas Burrell.
101 The act was copied out onto the flyleaf of the volume, facing fo. Ir.
102 He buys his way out of warding in the Spey tower or kirk tower and corporal punishment
at the market cross.
103 Inverness.
104 Without.
1°5 Spottiswoode’s History for the end of 1587 (ii, 378—79) reports Jesuits arriving from
‘beyond sea’ in aid of the Armada. See also RPC iv, 107.

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