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contenit in the act of parhament anent breakers of the saboth be dubUt be
him for satisfaction.
Jhon Jak officiar recordit that he wairnit Andrew Thomson and Henrie
Arnot pro secundo" and thai not compeiring thairfoir ordanis thame for their
dissobedience to be wairdit.
Jhon Jak officiar recordit lykwayis wairnit pro tertio Thomas Dundie, Jhon
Blair and George Gairne fornicatores personaly, and thai not compeirit
therefoir ordanis tham to be wardit.
Cristen Schaw lykwayis wairnit not compearit therefoir ordanis hir to be
The minister and elders haiffing respect to the gud love and amitie [that]
suld be betuix man and his wyffe especialy betuix Alexander Paterson and
Janet Duncan his spouse appontis Andrew Moncreife and Patrik Olyphant
and Andrew Anderson elderes to confer with thame and mak thame to agrie
and quhatever ilk ane of thame suld do to ane uther be appointed be tham
and thai to report their answer on Mononday nixt. (Paterson. Dun)
Trigesimo Octobris 1587
Ordanis Androw Moncreif [and] Patrik Olyphant elders with the reider to
speik with Jhon Ruthven merchant anent the intertenement of his mother
and thai to report the answer on Mononday nixt.
Ordanis Thomas Dundie, Jhon Blair and Walter Doglich and George Gairne
to be wairnit of new althocht oft befor dyvers tymes under the paine of
Alexander Moncreif flescher promises in tymes cuming to keip the saboth
day better nor he hes done. Thairfoir the elders suspendis their sentence and
determination that incace he be found contravening the samyn in tymes
cuming to redubill the penultie contenit in the act of parhament maid anent
the breakers of the saboth. (A. Moncreif)
[12r] Ordains the act be extractit quhilk William Monepenny is cautionar
for Margreit Donaldson that he may be wardit according to the act and
quhill he pay ten pound becaus forety dayis being alreddy past and the said
Margreit hes not fulfillit the band nor is willing to do the same.
Ordains the lichtis to be put up in the kirk.100
For the second time.
Winter darkness required more light fixtures to be placed.

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