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had not receaved as yit. The bairin being presented be James Merschell, he
confessit it to be his and sa it was callit Jhon David Brown. Jhon Rettray,
David Brownis sister and the wyf that keipit the bairin was thair. And being
demandit quhat was David Brownis and Jhon Rettrayis part in it, confessit
that David Brown solisit him to do it and cam about him for to do it, and
gaif him the xx schilhngis in James Mershellis name, and that Jhon Rettray
said he micht do it for the bairin was weak and na danger was to fallow
thereupon.48 (Cragy ane new fund minister)49
Quarto Octobris 1583
Quhilk day the minister and eldaris being presendy convenit ellectit and
nominatit thir personis fallowing to bear office in the kirk for thair lyftyme,50
to wit for eldaris and deacons:
[191] Eldaris51
The northsyd of the Hiegait
Andro Donaldson, Jhon Davidson eldar, and Walter Eldar
The suithsyd of the Hiegait
Andro Malcum, Alexander Gibson,52 and Jhon Lawry
Benethe the cross
James Hepburn, Andro Mersser, and Andro Jhoneston
James Drummond, Andro Moncreif, and Mr William Rynd
The northsyd of the Hiegait
James Sym, William Cok, and Alexander Dundy
The Suithsyd of the Hiegait
Jhon Jak, George Hall, and William Williamson
Benethe the cross
Jhon Ronaldson, William Catrow, and James Mersser
Andro Blythman, Jhon Ogilby, and Robert Grant
48 See above, 13 May 1583.
49 Fasti iv, 191 records William Cragy only as reader ofWeem parish in 1575.
50 This is the first mention of lifetime appointment to kirk office in the Perth book. This was
not the intention of the authors of the First Book (174-75).
51 The scribe for this election opted to decorate the capitals of many of the elders’ and
deacons’ forenames - not a usual feature of this or any session book in the sixteenth century.
For biographical information about the elders, see Appendix I.
52 The brother of the woman in the burial ground, Margaret Gibson (see 5 Feb. 1582).

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