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Secundo Septembris 1583
Quhilk day the minister and eldaris being presently convenit, compeiris
Jhon Sym and Janet Malice and desyris thair bannis to be proclamit. Cation
for him Gilbart Blair, for hir Constyn Malice. Terme Mertinmes. (Sym)
Compeirit James Coll in Ochtargevin parochin and Alison Wrycht and
desyris thair bannis to be proclamit. Cation for him Alexander Pett, for hir
William Catrow. Terme Mertinmes. (Coll)
Ordanisjeine Thornton to be wardit for disobedience to the kirk. (Thornton)
[190] 16 Septembris 1583
Mr Jhon Mitchell, William Hall, James Drummond, William Inglis, Alex¬
ander Glass, Jhon Smyth
Compeiris Thomas Akyn and Margret Mullikein and desyris thair bannis to
be proclamit. Cation for him Jhon Adam, for hir George Stobb[y].45 Terme
Mertinmes. (Akyn)
Compeiris George Forrest and confesses his fornication with Margret George
quha is ordanit to be wardit till he satisfie according to order. (Forrest viii s)
Quhilk day forsamekle as ane great [bruit]46 was arisin on Margret
Donaldson, servant to Mr Jhon Mitchell,47 that sche hed abusit hir body in
harlettry with the maister of Errol, the minister in audience of the eldaris
demandit at hir gif it was trew. Sche denyit the same, alledging the sclander
to haif rysin of invious personis without ony caus of offence maid be hir.
(Dondaldson and Mitchell)
Compeiris Jein Fenton and confesses hir fornication with Marcus Swanton
quha is ordanit to enter in ward according to ordor. (Fenton viii s)
Quhilk day William Cragy being demandit concerning the baptising of
the bairin in Alexander Macberakis foirland confesses that he baptisit the
bairin in ane chalmer in the foirland appertening to James Macbreak at the
command of James Merschell, quha send his servand about him and quha
he cam the said James promisit to him to do it xx s quhilk he receavit
and ane pair of hoose, for the quhilk David Brown was cation, quhilk he
« Torn.
46 Omitted. This would be the usual formulation for a rumor that got the session’s attention.
47 The elder, present in the court on this date.

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