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Ordains Margret Dog to present Issobel Dicson this day xiiii dayis under the
paine of warding of hir person ay and quhill sche be presenttit.
Compeiris Jhon Wobstair and confesses his fornication with Christen
Makgregor and heirfoir is ordanit to be wardit. (Wobstair)
Compeiris Maige Jhonston and confesses hir fornication with Andro
Carmichell and heirfoir is ordenit to be put in ward. (Jhonston)
Compeiris Issobel Gibson and confeses hir fornication with Patrik Makquein
and heirfoir is ordanit to be wardit. (Gibson)
Quhilk day James Sym maid his comptis.
26 Novembris 1582
Presentes minister, Andro Moncreif, Mr Jhon Mitchell, Jhon Lawry, Andro
Jhonston, Robert Chapman, Alexander Glass, Jhon Smyth, William Inglis,
William Hall, Walter Eldar.
[171] Quhilk day compeiris James Monipenny and confesses his fornication
with Margret Oliphant and heirfoir submittis him to the disciplein of the
kirk quhan they chairge him to obey the same in all pointtis. (iiii jQ
Compeiris Adam Scheip and confesses his fornication with Janet Glass and
heirfoir submittis him to the discipleine of the kirk, quhilk to performe efter
Andersmes immediatly on the nixt Mononday theirafter. He fmdis Jhon
Stobby cation under the paine of x £, quhairin the cationar was convict
in respect he enterit not the said Adam at the day appoitit. (Scheip/ x £)
Ordanis Andro Donaldson master of the hospital to gif Jhon Ronaldson
officiar to the kirk his waidge for the Martinmes terme in anno 1582 and
to advance him the Witsonday terme thereafter fallowing in anno 1583, and
heirwith to by claithe to gif the said Jhon. (Officiar of the kirk)
Tertio Decembris 1582
Presentes: minister and the haill eldaris except Robert Chapman, James
Drummond, and Andro Jhonston
together certainly would seem an invitation to further offence unless men and women
were separated out. Presumably this was the case, and this order, with its prohibition of
going to the window, aimed to reduce the sociability of their incarceration.

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