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Ordains James Sym to gif Mr William Cok ii merk and ane half for his
quarter fy129 bygane at Hallowmes.
20 Novembris 1582
Quhilk day the minister and haill eldaris being present, compeiris Archibald
Flemyng and Christen Dog and desyris ther bannis to be proclamit. Cation
for him Donald Flemyng, for hir Andro Dog. Terme the first of January.
Compeiris Andro Eilson and Margret Randy and desyris ther bannis to be
proclamit. Caution for him is Andro Eilson, for hir Thomas Fischer. Terme
the first of January. (Mariit/ Eilson)
Ordains Andro Donaldson master of the hospital to gif his comptis of the
last yeir on Thurisday nixt and ordains Andro Moncreif, James Drummond,
Mr Jhon Mitchell, William Hall, Oliver Peblis, and Robert Chapman with
the minister to heir the same.
[170] Quhilk day the haill eldaris ordains Jein Thornton to mak hir repent¬
ance on Thurisday nixt in respect of her awin confession under the paine
of excommunication according to the former act and that for hir adultery
confest with Henry Adamson as sche alledgis.
Ordains William Flemyng bailye to put Margret Oliphant in ward for diso¬
Compeiris Bessy Kinglassy and confesses hir fornication with Thomas
Monipenny youngar. The first tyme was of ther carnal deal on Andersmes
last anno 1581. The last tyme a [sic] thre oulkis sen syne or thereby. Heirfoir
sche is ordanit to be wardit according to the ordor etc. (Kinglassy)
Ordanis James Sym to mak thre lokis to the crosheid.130
Ordanis Jhon Ronaldson haiffmg fornicatoris to put every ane of them in
ane sundry house in tyme cuming, to gif them bot bread and small drink,
to latt nane of them cum to the nether windok, and quhan the cum to the
crosheid that they be fast lokit in the irnis twa houris, ther curtchis aff ther
headdis and ther faces bair, without ane plaid or ony uther covering under
the paine of tinsell of his office.131 (Jhon Ronaldson/ fornicatoris)
129 Fee.
130 These would be manacles or jougs which would bind offenders to the market cross for
the duration of their punishment.
131 On penitents’ use of plaids to cover their faces, see CP, 148. Warding fornicators all

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