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(4) Quhilk day compeirit William Henderson and promisses to bring ane
sufficient declarator fra the commission betuix the dait herof and midsommer
nixt proving that Bessie Blak, quha acclaims him to be hir husband, is not
his lauchfiil wyf, of the quhilk premisses, gif the said William failye as he hes
promissit betuix this and the dait forsaid, he than sail submitt him self as ane
adulterar convict of adulterie to the disciplein of the kirk. For the perfor¬
mance quhairof he sail find caution to Diones Conqueror balye14 under the
paines of xl £ to the puir. Quhilk caution being fimdit, the assemblie ordanis
his barn to be baptisit, quhilk Jonat Wryt hes born to him.15
24 Aprilis 1578
(5) The balye Dioneis Conqueror records to the clerk of the assemble that
he hes tane16 caution of William Henderson conform to the act forsaid, in
respect quhairof his bairn is baptisit. (Jhon Peblis)17
5 Maii 1578
(6) Quhilk day compeiris Thomas Monypenny youngar and being accusit of
carnal deal with Margret Stevan denys the samyn. And thairfoir the assemblie
ordanis the said Thomas this day viii dayis to depon his consciens thairupon
in respect that th[e] woman hes upon hir consciens actit the samyn.18
(7) The assemblie complenis that Robert Brydy and William Jak hes cum
out of the tolbuith and hes not fulfillit the rest of thair injunctions for thair
fornication, and thairfoir desyris the balyes to tak order with tham.19
(8) Quhilk day Marten20 Ray and Agnes Bowyis everilk ane of tham21 to
St John’s kirk. Persistent contumacy - failing to appear before the session when ordered -
usually resulted in an order for imprisonment. Moneypenny will be charged with fornica¬
tion on 5 May.
14 Dionysius Conqueror was frequendy a member of the burgh council as well as a bailie; he
was also an elder in 1578: see Appendix I.
15 If Henderson can prove that he is not married to Blak, he can avoid punishment as an
adulterer with Jonat Wryt and undergo the lesser punishment for fornication. Baptism
would be withheld from Wryt’s child if she did not identify the father; the sacrament was
obviously valued by both of the parents.
16 Taken.
17 Peblis is presumably the man who had agreed to serve as caution for Henderson.
18 Once both parties have sworn their innocence, it will be up to the session to decide whose
oath is more reliable.
19 This is not the first complaint by the session that the bailies are fading to do their duty,
nor will it be the last. The session was absolutely dependent on the burgh magistrates and
their officers to execute their penalties.
20 ‘Marion’ is frequendy spelled ‘Marren’.
21 Each and every one of them - in this case, both. The scribe is careful to specify that a single
fine is not to be shared between the two.

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