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xiiii Aprilis 15788
(8) The assemblie ordanis Jhon Scott, Elspet Carvor, Jhon Ramsay, and
Margret Robertson, convictit adulteraris, to enter to thair humi[lia]tionis
gifin be the kirk to thame and to be admonissit be the minister to the sam
effect under the pane of excommunication. Moreover also that it be declarit
be the minister to the people9 that Margret Ruthven,10 adultrix, is so neir his
[sic] tym of birth that sche may not cum to hir repentens for hir adultrie
quhill sche be delyverit.
(9) Quhilk day Robert Bryday confesses his fornication with Jonat Camp-
bron, for the quhilk he submittis him self to the disciplein of the kirk and
the civil punisment thairof, and the first fault. (1 2 3. R)11
(10) Quhilk day compeiris Jonat Campbron [and] confesses hir fornica¬
tion with Robert Brydy, and the second fault thairof, for the quhilk sche
submittis hir self to the disciplein of the kirk and the civil punisment thairof.
(1 2 3 4 5 6. R)12
(11) Compeirit William Jak and confesses his fornication with Jonat Vichton,
and the first fault thairof, for the quhilk he submittis him to the disciplein
of the kirk and the civil punisment. (R)
(12) (1) Quhilk day compeirit Jonat Vichton and confesses hir fornication
with William Jak, for the quhilk sche submittis hir self to the disciplein of
the kirk and the civil punisment. (3R.)
21 Aprilis 1578
(2) Quhilk day compeirit Jhon Ramsay and promisses to begin his repentens
for his adultrie confest on Thursday nixt.
(3) The assemblie desyris the bailyeis to put Thomas Monypenny youngar in
ward13 becaus being warnit to compeir befoir the assemblie he comperit not.
8 Continuous numbering of cases suggests that the previous week’s meeting (Apr. 7) was
cancelled, and that the agenda from 31 Mar. was continued to this meeting.
9 ‘to the people’ is inserted above a carrot, suggesting that the elders sought to ensure a very
public announcement.
10 This is clearly a different Margaret from Robertson: see 19 May, below.
H The scribe now begins regularly to indicate first, second or third offence for adulterers -
an important distinction since the number of Sundays of repentance assigned increased for
each offence, as the sentence of Jonat Campbron indicates.
12 The marginal notes indicated that she performed public repentance for six Sundays, twice
as many as for a first offence.
13 The session generally warded or gaoled people either in the tolbooth or in the tower of

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