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go to my bed, & see if I might get some rest. I answered that How can I take
rest; when God has sent his own Son, to save Sinners, & I will not be am not
willing to be saved by him: and before I went to bed, I was so strengthned
in that duty, that I thought tho Satan should come and appear never so near
me he could do me no harm, being made to hope & trust in God that he
would save me from that Evil one. I went to my bed & got some rest: my
convictions continued with me & I was made to grieve much that I had so
long despised and contemnd the Son of God. I came down to Camb.: on
Thursday but going sensibly, but still that conviction continued That I had
despisd the Son of God: & I was much distressd under it [f]:5& remained
in this distress for some days after. On Sabbath night I hard a Minr (Mr McC)
preach again concerning Unbelief, & fell under such distress at the thoughts
that I had by Sin wounded a dear Saviour, that I fainted three times on the
Brae where I was hearing Sermon, I fell into a Swarf three times being all the
times of these Swarfs, still well enough in the exercise of my Reason, & my
bodily eyes being shut, I saw as it were great darkness: but could [601/-] not
hear what was said distinctly. But only as it were a confused sound: and all
the three times just as I was coming out of these three Swarfs these words
came to my heart with power Fear not Daughter for thy Sins are forgiven
thee I took up my bible not minding one passage of it more than another and
my eye lighted upon that passage which I did not remember was in the bible
Isa Let the wicked forsake his ways and the Unrighteous Man his thoughts
& let him return unto y Lord & to our God for he will abundantly pardon6
this word was of great use to relieve me from my distress at that time & I had
a greater inclination to duty than before and I then thought God was calling
me to return from my sins & to come unto him & promising pardon. I came
up to the Manse after Sermons: & I heard a preacher (Mr Davidson)7 Lecture
abt Zacheus and who observed that our Lord did not quarrel Zacheus for his
Sins but as soon as the Spirit of God entered into him he quarreld himself
that preacher also observed the Redeemer had to go thro’ Samaria to bring
home ane adulterous Woman and Who Knows but he will go thro’ this room
to bring home some of the Chief of Sinners among us. I thought I was the
very Chief of Sinners present and I had hopes the Redeemer would come to
save me After that immediatly I lost hope and Cryed out O was The is my
Redeemer gone. The Minr of the Place said will ye wait I answered but I
cannot wait after which That Minr urged me again to wait with patience I
said that neither He nor any other person man was able to relieve me for none
5 Insertion [‘f And after Sermon coming into the Hall in the Manse & crying out,
there, some calld to me to hold my peace, I answered in great bitterness. How can I hold
my peace, when I have trampled the Son of God under my feet.’]: McCulloch.
6 Isa 55:7.
7 Henry Davidson (1687-1756) - minister, Galashiels (Fawcett, The Cambuslang Revival; Scott,

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