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in these Societies in the Place where I liv’d, saying. They might keep it that
knew any thing of that Work, but for their own part, they did not know but
it might be all Delusion. This vex’d me much when I heard of it: but that
word coming into my mind
Still trust in God for him to praise
Good Cause I yet shall have:
For of my Countenance he’s the health
My God that doth me save.30
This banishd my anxiety, & made me to trust & hope in God, and to wait
for his Salvation.
[546/-] With difficulty I got attending at the Sacrament Occasion at
Glasgow in April 1743: On Saturday morning, that word came to me Ho
every one that will, let him come & take of the Water of life freely.31 The
work there was very delightful to me: and on Munday morning, that word
was sent into my heart, As ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk in
him, which made me very concern’d to walk humbly.
At Camb. Sacrament in May 1743, hearing a Sermon [ ]32 (74.)33 on that text,
Blessed are they that know the joyful sound.34 — I found almost every Word
of it brought home to my heart, & was greatly comforted. And on Munday
morning that word was impressed on my heart. Whom he loveth he loveth
to the End, which came with great delight & love to God, & I was persuaded
of Gods love to my Soul, & made to wonder at the riches of his free love to
such a vile worthless Sinner, & at the thoughts of his loving me to the end.
At Blantyre Sacrament in Summer 1743 in hearing a Sermon (26) on Munday
on that Text, To whom God would make known what is the riches of the
Glory of this mystery,35 which is Christ in you the hope of glory: the Lord
made it the sweetest Sermon to me that ever I heard, while I was made to see
Satisfying Evidences of Christs being in me the hope of Glory. [547/—] I also
heard another Sermon that day by a Minr () on that Text, Be ye followers of
God as dear Children,36 with much of the like frame.
To conclude. Tho the World cannot observe any great alteration in my
behaviour from what it usd to be formerly, because I was all along kept from
any thing outwardly offensive to men: yet I find a very great Change in my
self, even as great a difference as between Light and darkness: formerly my
mind usd always to be running out after this and the other thing in the World:
30 Ps 43:5, Scottish Psalter (metrical).
31 Rev 22:17.
32 Insertion [‘on Sabbath’]: McCulloch.
33 Robert Donald - elder, Old Monkland.
34 Ps 89: 15.
35 Col 1:27.
36 Ephsu.

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