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The said day it is ordeined incaice that thair be anj
who lops the yaird dykes off Enitis and braikes the dykes
and planting, that they sail pey fortie shilling Scotis for
the first fault and four poundis for the nixt toties
The said day Alexr. Nicoll is for his miscairadgies in
the face off the court is amerciat in four poundis Scotis,
and is ordeined to pey it within term off lav, wnder the
pain off poinding.
The said day anent ane bill giuen in be the chamerlein
for eating off my lordis com then growing in Tornivein,
Andrew Din, Alexr. Coutis, Georg Duncan, eaurj ane of
them thrie is ordeined to pey ane firlot off oatis, as also
John Broune, Alexr. Duncan, is ordeined to pey tuo peckis
off oatis eaurj ane off them, and that within terme off
lav, wnder the paine off poinding,
The said day it is statuit and ordeined that no laborer
within the forsaid barronrie sail recett nor giue anie hadin
to anj soroner nor idle persons nor non quo mack not
travill for kaill and fyr but tacks and stealls quhair they
can haue them; they who recettis such persons is heirby
ordeined to pey ten poundis Scotis.
The said day it is statuit and ordeined that all persons
who ar lyable in neightbour hood to other, or anie sub-
tennant who is oblidged to fold with his nightbour and
maister, sail pey fortie pennies Scotis for each beast nolt
for each night they detein them out off-the fold, and tuelff
penies for each beast sheip, and that the ground officiar
sail poind for it, and that within term off lav efter the
The said day the bailzie interpons his authoritie and
ordeins the forsaid actis to be put in execution within
term off lav wnder the pain off poinding ; and continowis
this court wpon tuentie four hours advertisment in form
as effears.
Ja: Ross, N:P:, Court clerk. W. Midtone, Bailie.
[Court for the parishes of Kearn, Forbes, Auchtindor, Clet and
Keig, holden within the great hall of Castell Forbes, 16 Oct.

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