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The Court off the barronrie off the Breys off Tolmads,
holdin in Newbiging wpon the seavint day off Junj
Jmvjcseavintie fyue yeires. The suitis callit, the court
laufullie fensit in our soveran lordis name and
authoritie and in name and behalff off the right
honnorable William lord Forbes, hearitour off the
forsaid landis, William Midlton in Enitis his lord-
shipis baize, James Ross notar public Court clerk,
John Donaldsone officiar and {blank] demstar,
Proceiden formerlj as effearis.
[Lord Forbes to have libertie to poind tenants in arrear
20s. Scots for each merk.]
The said day Alexr. Coutis in Tornivein peyit ane leg
dollor1 for the crop jmvjcseavintie thrie yeires.
The said day it is statut and ordeined wpon ane com¬
plaint giuen in be George Loch in Barslasie agains the ten-
nantis off Drumlaze for hendering the said George Loch
to pastur and cast fogitch wpon thair syd off the burne
quhair they haue labort. The said bailze ordeins the
chamerlein to tack the birlamen and goe to the contro-
vertit ground quhair Robert Gray and the rest off the
tennantis off Drumlazie to haue all probation for instructing
thair right, and then hauing hard them the chamerlein
and birlamen sail be heirby impourt to deceme in all
thair controversies as they sail think fitt, and acording
to thair decret both pairties is heirby oblidged to abyd
thairon and fulfill wnder the penultie off the peyment off
ten poundis Scotis mony.
The said day the wholl tennantis off the sucken off
Einitis is heirby ordeind no to goe to ainie other mill with
thair stuff, and lykwayes sells thair stuff to others, and
that the good wyff off Einitis can gait not count off it, they
sail mack peyment off double multer to the said com-
1 A leg dollar was a Dutch coin, ‘ having the impression of a man in arms
with one leg and a shield containing a coat of arms upon the other leg. ’ By pro¬
clamation of the Privy Council, 14 Jan. 1670, its exchange value was reduced
from 58s. to 56s. Scots (P.C.R., third series, iii. 126).

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