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sa Majeste a une reconnoissance pareille dans les occasions.
Vous sgavez sans doute, comme I’Ecosse se prend a Tegard
de ce qui est passe dans le cours d’une entreprise, qui a
fait tant de bruit dans le xnonde, et apres la capitulation
nouvellement faite avec les Espagnols, il semble qu’ils ne
doivent plus garder du ressentiment envers ces malheureux.
Pour qui sa Majeste vous ordonne de travailler le plus
fortement que vous pourrez.
J’en ecris dans les memes termes a notre consul a Cadiz,
autant que cela le peut regarder, et comme le succes que
vous pourrez avoir dans cette poursuitte tournera a la
satisfaction de sa Majeste, et a votre honneur en particu-
lier, on ne doute pas que vous ne vous serviez des meilleurs
moyens pour y parvenir.—Au reste je suis, Monsieur, votre
tres humble et tres obeissant serviteur, Blathwayt.
Translation from the French—
Loo, July 1700.
Sir,—I congratulate you heartily on your happy return to your
duties, which will enable you more efficiently to discharge the same.
It is with this consideration that his Majesty has commanded me to
write to you on behalf of Captain Pinckerton and other Scotsmen who lie
in prison in Andalusia under sentence of death. You know how these
things have come about, and how the Scots have been obliged to give
up their settlement in Darien ; and as these poor prisoners are the sole
survivors of the last expeditions, his Majesty desires you to intercede
for them at the court of Spain, representing to the ministers that it
would be desirable to terminate this troublesome business by sending
the prisoners home, an act which will have an excellent effect in every
way and will constrain his Majesty to a like return in similar circum¬
stances. You know, doubtless, how anxiously Scotland regards what
has taken place in the course of an enterprise which has made such a
stir in the world ; and after the capitulation made so recently to the
Spaniards, it seems that the latter ought no longer to keep up resent¬
ment against these unfortunate men, on whose behalf his Majesty com¬
mands you to make the most strenuous endeavours.
I am writing in the same terms to our Consul at Cadiz, so far as it
may lie in his department; and as the success your efforts will meet
with will turn to the satisfaction of his Majesty and to your own honour
in especial, I do not doubt you will use the best means in your power
to attain your end.—I remain, Sir, Your most humble and most
obedient servt, Blathwayt,

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