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to Spain and were there condemned to death, and have now appealed to
your Majesty’s supreme court at Cadiz for redress. Such is your
Majesty’s renowned and known clemency to all men that we most
heartily commend to it those our subjects who have been thus con¬
demned for their designs and attempts against your sovereignty, and
have already endured such grievous suffering. We believe that, when
the condition of these men is known and considered, your Majesty will
not hold them unworthy of that clemency. Therefore we have given
instructions to our minister, M. Schonenherg, to explain fully to your
Majesty their circumstances, and the weighty reasons why their release
and restoration to liberty may be hoped for. We persuade ourselves
that there will be easy access for his advocacy, and that as all our
subjects are now withdrawn from those countries, nothing more remains
of that unpleasant enterprise than that those unhappy prisoners may
enjoy your Royal clemency and compassion. Such an act so worthy of
your Majesty’s noble and magnanimous disposition we will look upon as
a singular proof of your Majesty’s goodwill towards us, and we will make
suitable return as often as opportunity may arise. Finally, we heartily
commend your Majesty to the protection of Almighty God.
Given at our Court at Loo, on the 22nd day of July, in the year of
Our Lord 1700, and the twelfth of Our reign.
Your Majesty’s most loving brother and cousin,
William R.
G. Blathwayt.
A Loo ce Juillet 1700.
Monsieur,—Je vous felicite de tout mon coeur sur votre
heureux retour a 1’exercise de vos charges, qui vous
mettent en etat de rendre de services plus efficaces dans
votre poste. C’est en cette consideration que sa Majeste
me vient d’ordonner de vous ecrire en faveur du Capitaine
Pinckerton et autres Ecossois, qui sont detenus prisoniers
et condamnes meme, a ce que Ton mande, dans 1’Andalousie.
Vous sQavez comme ces affaires sont passees, et que les
Ecossois ont ete obliges de quitter prise a Darien, et comme
il ne reste de ces dernieres expeditions, que ces pauvres
prisoniers. Sa Majeste trouve bon que vous partiez et
agissiez pour eux a la cour d’Espagne, representant aux
ministres, qu’il sera bon de mettre fin a cette facheuse
affaire par un renvoy de ces gens la chez eux, ce qui pourra
avoir un fort bon effet de toutes les manieres, et obligera

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