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tane up be him and his collectouris of the thirdis of the
benefices underwrittin furth of the boundis underspecifiit
of the said 67 yeris crop :
That is to say, furth of the boundis of Fyiff be the
comptare of the third of the beir of the abbay of Dum-
fermling . . . 13 c. 5 b. 3 f. 1 p.
And the third of the beir of Scotland well. . . .
Furth of the boundis of Lanark and Ramfrew be the
comptare and Schir Johnne Stewart of Mynto, knycht, his
collectour, the third of the beir of the bischoprik of Glasgow
of the said 67 yeir. . . .
And the third of the beir of the abbay of Paslay. . . .
And the third of the beir of the subdeanrie of Glasgow. . . .
Off the quhilk beir befoir chargit their aucht to be
defeased and allowit to the comptare the third of the beir
of the abbay of Dumfermling [for the reason already stated'].
And alsua the comptare aucht to be dischargit of the third
of the beir of the abbay of Paslay, be reason that the haill
third of the said abbay, baith money, victuales and utheris
dewiteis, wer sett the said yeir to Johnne, archibischop of
Sanctandrowis, for pament of ane thousand pundis alan-
erlie, as the tak maid thairupoun lang befoir the granting
of the thirdis to the ministeris, producit upon compt,
proportis, off the quhilk thousand pundis the comptare is
ellis chargit of befoir in the silver charge precedand with
£822, 14s. and sail charge him with the remanent thairof
at the fute of the victuales. . . .
And of the third of the beir of the archibischoprik of
Glasgow befoir chargit, allegit tane up be the comptare and
Schir Johnne Stewart of Mynto ... be reason the comptare
receavit na pament thairfoir fra the said collectour and
sua the said Schir Johnne aucht to answer and mak compt
thairof. . . .
And lyikwyis of the third of the beir of the subdeanerie
of Glasgow befoir chargit, intromettit with be the said
Schir Johnne, quhairof he hes maid na pament to the

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