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Witsonday and Martimes mailis of the freris landis of
Elgyne the said yeir [for the reason already stated],
£61, 6s. 8d.
Off the quhilkis soumes yit restand their aucht to be
defeased and allowit to the comptare . . . parte of the
money of the abbay of Dumfermling of the 67 yeir, befoir
chargit, be reason the haill third of the said abbay the said
yeir, baith money and victualis, by the lard of Granges
pensioun, wer gevin and disponit to the comptare be my
lord regentis grace, £949, 14s. 4d.; And ... of the Wit¬
sonday mailis of the said abbay of the 68 yeir befoir chargit,
be reason the same wes ordanit be my lord regentis grace
to be gevin to the comptare for the said terme alanerlie as
£392, 13s. 4d.; And . . . pait ... to Robert Malvile of
Murdocarnye for pament of his pensioun of the foirsaid
soume of the 67 yeir comptit quhilk he hes of our soverane
lordis darrest moder be hir hienes letters of gift, . . . £500.
Summ of the haill defeasance of the money foirsaid
befoir charged, £4247, 12s. 6d.
And swa restis upon the comptare, £717, 11s. 9£d.
Alsua in the foirsaidis threscoir sevin yeiris comptis their
is rollit owir and chargit upon the comptare as tane up be
him the said yeir the third of the quheitt of the abbay of
Dumfermling, extending to 5 c. 10 b. 3 pairt boll.
Off the quhilk quheitt the comptare aucht to be dischargit
be reason that the haill third of the said abbay, baith
money and victualis, wer gevin and disponit to the comp¬
tare for the said yeir, as the gift producit of befoir in this
compt proportis. Et sic eque for quheit.
Alsua in the same comptis their is rolled owir and chargit
upon the comptare the beir following as intromettit and

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