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And . . . the thrid of the peis and benis of Eglismachaine
. . be reasone that the same is allowit to the persone
thairof as minister their, . . .
i boll i. f. i p. 3 pairt pect.
And alsua . . . the thrid of the peis and benis of the abbay
of Northberweik . . be reasone that the same wes intro-
mettit and disponit upon be the priores befoir hir deceis
with hir hale remanent gudis as said is befoir the comptaris
enteric to his office, ... i ch.
Summ of this defalcatioun, iii ch. ii b.
Sua restis of the haill peis and benis befoir charged,
ii bollis a firlott a pect 3 pairt pect.
Quhilkis ar said be the comptare at thretty schillingis
the boll and calculat in money extendis in the haill
togidder to the soume of iii li. x s., for the quhilk the
comptare sail answer.
Defalcation of Muttoun
Lyikwyis of the haill mutton befoir charged, extending to
sex scoir foure muttoun and thrid of a quarter muttone,
thair aucht to be defeased and allowit to the comptare
. . . the thrid of the muttone of the bischoiprik of Ross
. . ., be reasone that the same with the remanent haill thrid
of the said bischoiprik is remitted ... to the bischoip
thairof ... Ivi mutton 3 pairt mutton.
And . . . the thrid of the wedderis of the bischoiprik of
Abirdene . . . xlvii muttonis.
Summ of this defeasance, vxxiii muttonis 3 pairt mutton.
Swa restis of the haill muttone befoir charged un¬
defeased twenty ane muttone 2 pairt muton 3 of i
Off the quhilkis muttone befoir restand thair is said be
the comptare . . . [the thrid of the] muttone of the priorie
of Bewly and . . . the thrid of the muttone of Kinloiss,

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