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And foure chalderis thre bollis 3 pairt pect of the remanent
aittis of Fyfe and xxiii ch. of the blak aittis of Perthschire,
said be the comptare at xiii s. iiii d. the boll, and xxi ch.
aucht bollis i f. iii p. of the aittis of Ramfrew and Striveling-
schire for the same price, extending in the haill to fourty
aucht chalderis elevin bollis a firlot iii p. 3 pairt pect and
converted in money extendis to five hundereth nynetene
pundis twelf schillingis nyne penneis 3 pairt penny, for the
quhilk the comptare sail answer.
And the remanent of the haill aittis befoir restand, extend¬
ing to sevin chalderis ten bollis twa firlottis a pect, ar said
be the comptare at xxiiii s. the boll and converted in money
extendis to icxlvii li. xviii d.
Summ of the hale atis sauld, vxxix c. v b. ii f. i p.
Summ of the hale money of the sauld aitis,
imicxxxiii li. viii s. x d. 3 pairt d.
Defalcation of Peis and Benis
In lyik wyis of the hale peis and benis abone and befoir
charged . . . thair aucht to be defeased and allowit to the
comptare . . . the thrid of the peis and benis of the priorie
of Sanctandrois and . . . the thrid of the peis and benis of
the priorie of Pettinweme . . . bayth pertenyng to James,
erle of Murray, commendatare thairof, and remitted . . .
to him ... i ch. xi b. i f. i p. 3 pairt p.
And alsua . . . the thrid of the peis and benis of the nonerie
of Sanct Bothanis ... be reasone that the same wes re¬
mitted ... to the prioress thairof for the said yeir allanerlie,
upon consideratioun that hir haill cornes wer brint in the
yaird, . . . iiii bollis.
And . . . the thrid of the peis and benis of the bischoiprik
of Sanctandrois ... be reasone that James, erle of Arrane,
and his factouris, had lifted and intromettit with the same
and with the remanent haill fruictis of the said archi-
bischoiprik the said yeir . . .
i boll i f. i p. 3 pairt p.

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