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[Jhone Spens].1
and ilkane of thame, conjunctlie and severa[llie, my]
verray lauchfull and undoutit procuratouris to compeir
befoir the saidis lordis and thair desir thir present [is to
be] actit and registrat in the saidis bukis with lettres and
executorialis to be gevin therupoun for compelling of me
to [fulfill] the samin in forme as efferis. In witnes of the
quhilk thing, to thir my letres subscrivit with my hand
my sele [is affixit]. At Edinburgh, the first day of
Februar the yeir of God imvclvij yeris. [Befor thir] witnes
Margret Eskyne lady of Lochlewyn.2
William Gordon, Bishop of Aberdeen, to the Queen Regent
Aberdeen, 27th March 1558.
Madame, this present is to adverteis your grace that
maister Johnne Elphinstoun, prior of Monimusk,3 is
departit unto God the xxvj of this instant monthe 4 on
nycht, of quhilk I thocht guide to make your grace adver-
teist. And it is nocht unknawin to your grace that my
benefice is under grite pensione,5 sua that I ma nochte
avaite and serve your grace as I wald. Quharfor I will
besaik your grace that I ma have the said priorie, quhilk
is ane sobir benefice, the place and religion therof dis-
troyit, for releif of my benefice; 6 and I sail cum and
1 A blank space has been left for the insertion of the other names.
2 The seal is greatly damaged ; the document is torn on the right margin, and
the .writing faded. The signature is autograph.
3 An Augustinian convent, about twenty miles from Aberdeen.
4 According to the contraction, this word might possibly read ‘ Merche ’: the
date remains the same by either reading.
6 It was burdened with a pension of 1000 merks to James Hamilton, Earl
of Arran, and 500 merks to David Paniter. (Bishops of Scotland, 141.)
Cf. No. XCII.
6 Apparently his suit was unsuccessful, as the benefice was vacant on 13th
- August 1574 by the death of John Hay, ‘Commendator of Balmerinoch, the
last prior.’ (R.M.S. under date.) Gordon died in August 1577. (Bishops of
Scotland, 142.)

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