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becum bundin and oblist conjunctlie and sever[allie with]
thame for payment to the said Timothe of the soum of
ane thousand sex hundreth foure skoire sevin pundis ten
sc[hi]]ingis] money of Scotland at the termes undirwrittin :
that is to say the soum of aucht hundreth and tuenty five
pundis be[tuix this and] the feist of Pasche nixt tocum,1
and the rest of the said hale soum, extending to the soum
of aucht hundreth thr[e skoir twa pundis] ten schillingis,
betuix that and the feist of Witsunday nixt thereftir,2
togidder with all coistis skaithis and expensis [that the
said Timothie] sail sustene throw wanting of payment of
the saidis soumes at the termes foirsaidis, as the lettres
obligatouris [maid therupoun mair] fullelie purportis.
Heirfore I bind and oblisis me faithfullie, my airis and
executouris, to warrand freith3 [releyf and keip] the
saidis maister James, James Adamsoun and James Barroun,
ther airis and executouris, skathles at the handis [of the
said Timothie] his airis executouris and factouris of the
said soum of ane thousand sex hundreth foure skoire sevin
pundis ten sch[illingis, and of] all coistis skaithis and
dampnagis that thai may incur throw non payment therof
and of all and sindry [uther heiddis] pointis passis and
articulis contenit in the saidis lettres obligatouris, swa
that thai may be harmles and skaithl[es therof] in tyme
cuming. And heirto I bind and oblis me faithfullie my
airis and executouris be ther presentis, and [am content]
that this my obligatioun be actit and registrat in the
bukis of counsale 4 and decernit to haif the strenth [of ane]
act and decreit of the lordis therof with lettres and execu-
torialis to be gevin therupoun for compelling of [me,
owthir] be poinding or horning, to releve thame therof as
thai think maist expedient in forme as efferis. And for
[acting therof] we haif maid constitute and ordinit and
be the tennour heirof makis constitutis and ordinis maister
1 loth April was Easter Day in 1558.
2 29th May 1558.
3 freith: free. A legal term.
4 Entered in Register of Deeds, ii. f. 366. The gaps in this document have
been supplied by reference to the Register.

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