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(175) Page 124 -
in Strathern on [blank] (the kirk nocht beand satisfeit thairfoir), the
said Robert Fogo confessit the same. The brethrein, being advysit
with the accusatiounis layit againis him and his answeris made
thairto, findis the said Robert Fogo to have abusit the sacrament of
baptisme and manage in ministratioun of thame without ony
lauchfull admissioun thairto in wret as aucht to have bein, and
lykwys findis him to have baptezit baimis, ane gottin in adultrie and
ane uthir in fomicatioun (the kirk nocht beand satisfeit be thair
parentis), againis the actis of the kirk, and thairfor dischairgis the
said Robert Fogo simpliciter that he tak nocht upone hand at ony
tyme fra thisfurthe nather to ministrat baptisme nor manage to na
personis undir the paine of the censuris of the kirk to be execute
againis him with all rigour, and als ordanis the said Robert to com-
peir befoir the brethrein the xxv day of Junij instant in the parroche
kirk of Striviling to gif ane tryell of his reiding as he salbe desyrit
and to heir and se tryell tane of his lyf and conversatioun undir the
paine of deprivatioun of him fra reiding in the kirk.
Commissiomris to Muthill: In the terme assignit to Mr Andro
Yung, Mr William Stirling and Michaell Lermonthe, commission-
aris appointit to pas and vesie the kirk of Muthill as ane act made
thairupone on the ix day of Aprill last bypast at mair lynthe beris,
and that quhat thay fand be thir said visitatioun to report the samin
to the brethrein this day, the saidis commissionaris beand personallie
present was requyrit to declair to the brethrein thair report, as thay
war commandit. The saidis commissionaris answerit that the tyme
thai passit to the said kirk thair was nocht ane sufficient numbir of
the parrochun conveinit, and thairfor continewit thair visitatioun
quhill ane greter numbir of the parrochun mycht be gottin con¬
veinit to that effect. The brethrein continewis the saidis personis
commissionaris as was of befoir to the [blank] day of [blank] and
ordanis thame to report to the brethrein the said day quhat thai find
be thair said visitatioun.
Thomas Quhyt, adulterar: The quhilk day thair was ane summondis
producit befoir us lauchfullie execute and indorsit upone Thomas
Quhyt in Kildeis chairgeing him to have compeirit the said day to
heir and se him self decernit to be excommunicat for his contemp
and disobedience, as at mair lynthe is conteinit thairin, compeirit the
said Thomas personallie and grantis his disobediencis, for the quhilk

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