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Commissionaris to the nixt generall assemblie: The quhilk day the
brethrein of the presbytery of Striviling electit and nominat James
Andirsone, Patrik Gillaspie, and Johnne Duncanson, ministeris; Sir
James Stirling off Keir, knycht and provest of Stirling, and Alex¬
ander Forester of Garden, barronis; commissionaris for thame to
pas to the nixt generall assemblie of the kirk to be haldin in Edin¬
burgh the xxiiij day of Aprill instant with full powar to concur with
the said assemblie for treatting of thais thingis concerning the weill
and gude ordur to be observit within the kirkis of the said presbytery
and als quhatsumevir thingis that salbe trettit in the said assemblie
that may tend to the glorie of God and weill of his haill kirk plantit
of his mercie within this realme.
Adulteraris: The quhilk day the brethrein ordanis that all adult-
eraris that hes past to the synnodall assemblie be wamit to compeir
befoir the brethrein the nixt sessioun to heir and se the injunctionis
of the synnodall assemblie injoinit to thame for thair offencis be
exponit and declairit to everie ane of thame, in speciall, to the effect
thai pretend na ignorance. The brethrein ordanis ilk minister within
the boundis of this presbytery to proceid with the censuris of the
kirk againis all adulteraris disobedient within the boundis that hes
nocht past to the said synodall assemblie of this presbytery as thai
war ordeinit, ilk minister for his awin part respective, as thai will
answer before the brethrein of this presbytery.
William Stirling suspendit: The brethrein, undirstanding William
Stirling, reder, to be suspendit to this day fra all functioun in the
kirk in consideratioun of certane accusatiounis layit againis the said
William, as at mair lynthe is conteinit in ane act made thairon of
befoir, continewis thair jugementis as yit quhill thai be farther
advysit anent the accusatiounis layit againis him, bot presentlie
suspendis him of new fra all functioun in the kirk of God and
exerceis of ony part of the ministrie thairof to the vij day of Merche
Johnne Wilsone: The quhilk day compeirit Johnne Wilsone in
Polmais and grantis him to have gottin ane bairne in fomicatioun
withe Agnes Mentayth and grantis lykwys that he committit
adultrie with Agnes Broun by his wyf, Elezabeth Bennet, for the
quhilk adultrie he confessis that he hes satisfeit the kirk. The breth¬
rein, being advysit with the said Johnnis oft falling in huredom, first

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