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M'Intyre, Lieutenant John. Gaz. 24/11/16.
For conspicuous gallantry in action. He led a successful raid on the
enemy with great courage and skill, capturing two prisoners.
M'Intyre, Captain Kenneth Malcolm Grant. 28th Battalion. Gaz. 7/3/19.
He showed great dash and fearlessness during the attack on the Beaurevoir
Line on the 3rd October, 1918. A strong point containing three machine
guns and crews offered a stubborn resistance, and without hesitation he
rushed it, and with his revolver killed two enemy officers and forced the re-
maining garrison to surrender.
M'Intyre, Quarter-Master and Hon. Captain Sidney Lewis. Gaz. 3/6/18.
Distinguished Conduct Medal.
M'AUister, 5151 Corporal C. Gaz. 29/10/18.
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in an attack. He led his
men with great dash and kept touch with the flank company, filling up gaps
which several times formed in the line. During consolidation when a
strong enemy party were seen working forward to a post in front of the
line, he led an attack against them dispersing the party and inflicting many
casualties. His coolness and courage were an example to all about him.
M'Coll, 1153 Company Sergeant-Major (T./R.S.M.) T. H., M.M. 2nd Battalion.
Gaz. 2/9/18.
For consistently good work and devotion to duty from 25th February to
16th September, 1918. As C.S.M. and R.S.M. he has performed his duties
in a most capable manner. He is a keen soldier and a good disciplinarian.
In action his conduct is of the highest order and his example is a fine
incentive to the men of the Battalion.
M'Connell, 886 Sergeant (T./C.S.M.) J., M.M. 29th Battalion. Gaz. 3/12/18.
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When the platoon com-
mander was badly wounded, he took command, although wounded himself,
and handled the men with skill in a difficult situation. On being checked
by machine gun fire from a flank, he personally went out to the flank with
a machine gun, and by his fire drove the enemy back. He showed coolness
and judgment throughout, and kept his men on the move forward.
M'Crory, 3204 Private R. F. 56th Battalion. Gaz. 30/5/19.
For conspicuous gallantry and consistent devotion to duty. He has been
a stretcher-bearer with the battalion since its arrival in France. On the 1st
October, 1918, he carried wounded from the open into the Hindenburg line
under very heavy shell fire. Later he worked continuously attending the
wounded at great personal risk.
M'Donald, 1592 Sergeant A. 17th Battalion. Gaz. 2/9/18.
In all operations since February, 1918, he has displayed marked gallantry
and untiring devotion to duty. He has most ably assisted the Lewis gun
Officer in the placing of the guns in the front line under very trying con-
ditions. He has been largely instrumental, by his constant supervision,
in the placing of guns, and the greatest possible effect being obtained with
a minimum of loss.
M'Donald, 940 Sergeant F. Gaz. 22/9/16.
For conspicuous gallantry in repulsing an enemy attack when, his officer
being wounded, he had assumed command of the platoon. He showed
great bravery and fine powers of leadership, under heavy fire, in organis-
ing a counter-attack and in consolidating the position gained.

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