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Q^ What are the fins of the heart * ?
A. The fins of the heart are thefe, a negle&
©f God, pride and Itubbornnefs, malice and en-
vy, with all other evil thoughts, and unruly
Pfal. x. 4. The wicked will not feek after God,,
God is not in all his thoughts, Prov. xvi, 5.
Every one that is proud in heart is an abomina-
tion to the Lord Jer. vii. 24. They walked in
the imagination [_Marg. ftubbornnefs] of their
evil heart. Eph. iv. 31. Let all bktèrnefs and
wrath — be put away from you, with all malice-
Gal, v. 26. Let us not be defirous of vain-glo-
ry — envying oue another. Matth. xv. 19. Out
of the heart proceed evil thoughts. Gal. v. ^4.
They that are Chriff's have crucified the ilelh,.
with its affections (or paffions) and luffs. Matth.
v. 22. Whofoever is angry with his brother
without a caufe, fliall be in danger or the
Q^ What are the chief fins of the tongue t
A. The chief fins of the tongue are fwearing and
curfing, abufing the name of God,- or any thing
that is hcly, fcoffing, and calling ill names, lying*
and filthy ipeaking.
James v. 1 2. Above all things, my brethren*
fwear not. Pvom. xii. 14, Bids and curfe not.
Lev. xiv. 12. Neither flialt thou profane the
name of thy God. 2 Pet. iii. $; Scoffers, walk-
ing after their own luffs. Prov. xix. 29. Judg-
ments are prepared for fcorners. Matth. v. 22-
Whofoever mail fay, Thou fool, fhall be in
danger of hell-fir • 1 Pet. iii. 9. Not rendering
railing for railing. Col. iii. 8. Put off all thefe,.
* It would have been too tedious and improper here to
enumerate every p irticular fin of heart, lip, and life: fuch
only are mentioned as child en may underfUnd. and or which
children are fomet mes guilty, fcee a larger account in the Pre-
servative from fin and Jolty,

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