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of trJtek.
tM&too** taèaeepttt in retmmb£ance,noèffl oe*
fi«a«ot&er nian»b3taft,.bfit tbat onlie &$tcb&>«
fòalì come by$y SioneS ana tatDfnli smane*,agr£<
abie to ©000 o^otnance.
' M. Why iayeft thou, Thu daj^ and */<*///?
-79 C. SCljefetteo t»o;M bee teaeb bs to bàe een*
tentea, ano not to tmf$ tno^e ttjan t* faf fictent fò|
igc M. Sceingtbis is a common prayer, bclonging
indifTerently vnto all men, how is k that cHc rich
(who haue provided abonndance of good'esfbra
long time) may make this pètition for one day?
C.aiimen,botbricb $ poojc, mull fcn&etffano, tlmt
fcDjat gooi30 foebet t f)ep baue, f&e? can notbing pjo *
fitetbem, bntfofarrefoojtijas it pleafetb <§ofc to
gtoe tbem ttyefcfe t$ereof:fo t^tìx^m tDee fiaue
plenttM?etto& |ja«e notfting^rìUire be ofSfo goofc*
nelte gtne t)$ aìfo t$e f rmttctt anu bfe cf f fee fame.
XLII.T j\ 7Hat is contained in the fift requeft?
S$at tt tucnlu pieafe^ois to fo;gitte
z&M. ls there any man living fo juft, that hee neei-
detbnot to make this-requeft?
C. $o, ftir*l$ft>;QutiLo;o Mu$ pjefcriMì tyta
foOTe of paa^ec to fjts Bpofèles fo* tfte betpne of &fe
fc$o!e C&urefc. &a t&en, fcDljcfseto&ouls erempt
btmfelfe from tli$, tefafef & to be of t§e compante o£
Cftèttfs florit:ano tn fcetie naetie t^e S)crtpf nrc Dsef^
platnlE teatfie>t^att6emc;SìpeEf£ama ttiattotf^e
iBcal&e aUeaogt onopointtotufttffeStmfelfe t&ete*
fcjtefiw-4&o&, Qwlo bgfommfauilietfta t&ou~

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