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shell, stepped forward and said—“ Now, Allan, I will give you the best cow on my
estate, if you sing the proceedings of this day, without mentioning my name!” The
bard adroitly and at once replied : —
“ Dheanainn latha gun ghrian,
A’s muir blian gun ’bhi sailt,
Mu’n gabkainn do na Gaeil dan,
Gun fhearmo ghi'aidk’n aird mo rainn l”
i. e. I would sooner create daylight without a sun, and call into being a sea of fresh water,
before I would celebrate a gathering of Highlanders, without Glengarry figuring the first
in my verse.
But although Allan became Glengarry’s family bard, he did not give up composing
pieces of general interest—and quite detached from the connexions of his proper calling.
Indeed many of his productions while with the “ proud chieftain,” are, if any thing, better
and more popular than his first. In the year 1828, he travelled the counties of Argyle,
Ross, and Inverness, taking subscriptions for a new and enlarged edition of his works ;
and on procuring 1000 names, he went to press in 1829. But alas ! the book was only
in progress, when the cold finger of death silenced his harp for ever. He died much
regretted, and was interred in the burying-ground of Kilfianan.
In personal appearance, Allan M‘Dougall was thin and slender, and somewhat diminutive
in size. He commonly wore a black fillet over his eyes. He was seldom out of humour,
and very rarely nursed his wrath so long as to lead him to indulge in satire. He was
amongst the family bards what Ossian was among the Fingalians —<f the last of the race.”
Air fonn—“ Cuir a nail duinn am botal.”
Faigh a nuas dhuinn am botul,
'S iheid an deoch so mu 'n cuairt.
Lion barrack an copan.
Cum socrach a ckuach;
Tosda Choirneil na feile
Leis an eireadh gack buaidh,
Oighre Cknoideart a bharraich,
*S Ghlinn-garaidh bho thuath.
Thig ort measair a’s adharc,
Agus taghadh nan arm,
Le d’ mhiol-choin air lomhainn,
'S iad romliad a’ falbh :
’Nuair theid thu do ’n mhonadh,
Bidh fuil air damh dearg;
Cas a shiubhal an fhiricb,
Leat ’chinneadh an t-sealg.
Faigh a nuas, <$£C.
’S tu marbhaich’ a choilicb,
’S moch a gboireas air chrann,
Bhuic bhioraich an t-seilich
Agus eilid nam beann :
’S trie a leag thu na luath’s
A chaol-ruaghag ’s a mhang,
Nuair a ruigeadh do luaidhe
Cha ghluaiseadh iad eang.
Faigk a nuas, £c.

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