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Is ann an glacaibh a cheile,
Le mor speis mar bu mhiann,
Ghlais an dith’s ud le eibhneas,
’S an run reidh ga’n cuir dian ;
’S o’n bha f'uran cho tairis,
’S nach b'fhuras aithris cho fial,
Ghuidh mi sonas gun dith dhaibh,
Gu la ’n crich a’s mi triall.
No/e.—The circumstances that called forth the foregoing
beautiful song were these :—Our author in his excursions
was perambulating the Highlands of Perthshire, where he
happened to alight on a shelling, or mountain dairy, in the
occupancy of a respectable farmer’s daughter attended by a
young man one of her father’s servants. The bard was
warmly invited to remain with them in this humble
but hospitable hut for some days to rest himself and to bear
them company. The invitation was accepted. A person
of the poet’s penetration could not long remain ignorant
of the fact that the artless maiden was uneasy in her mind;
and, as they had now arrived at that stage of intimate
familiarity which justifies the disclosure of secrets ; upon
being questioned, she told him that her affections were
fixed upon a neighbouring swain—a handsome, young
fellow, whose advances, however, were discountenanced by
her parents in consequence of his poverty. Koss possibly
entered with enthusiasm into his friend’s romantic love-
affair—at all events, he was not the man to do violence to
the feelings of the human heart for the sake of pounds,
shillings, and pence. Short as his stay was in thesheiling,
he had frequent opportunities of seeing the young lover
and the milk maid meet in the solitude of a contiguous !
dell. Spurning the threatened wrath of parents, they were
speedily married—the poet was invited to the marriage
feast, where he sung this song so tenderly expressive of the
bliss which had its consummation in the union ot his fair
friend with the man of her affections.
Sinn gun mhulad, gun fhadachd,
O mhadainn gu h-6idhch',
Agus Cupid g’ar taladh,
Gu toirt giaidh, ’s sinn nar cloinn,
“ ’S ge do thainig an samhradh,
*S mi sa’ ghleann so ri spreidh,
Gur e’s trie learn am fagail,
’S bithidh each as an deigh ;
’S ann a dhiucas mi tharais
Do na gbaran leam fein,
Gu bhi taomadh mo dhosgainn
Ann am fochar nan geug.
“ Tha mo chairdean fo ghruaim rium,
O la ehual’ iad mar tha—
Gur annsa leam Cailean
Na fear-baile le than ;
Ach cha treiginn-s’ mo cheud-ghradh,
Gus an geillein do’n bhas ;
On a gheall e bhi dileas,
Cia fath mu’n dibriun-sa dha?”
So mar sheinn an caomh chailin,
Tosan tairis a graidh,
’S a boid sheasmhach da ceud ghaol,
A’s nach dibreadh gu br.'ith,
Gach high’ eile da cluinn so.
Gun robh a h-inntinn gu biis,
Gu bhi leautainn an t-samh'l ud,
Gu’n a h-an-toil thoirt dha,
Ach air bhi grathuinn na m’ thamh dhomh,
’S mi gun abhachd san rod,
’S mo chliabh air lasadh le h-eibhneas
A’ tahhairt eisdeachd da’n digh—
Chunnacas dganach gasda
Teachd o’ leacain a chr!>,
’S e le uile shar imeachd,
’S Vann gu Innis nam bd.
Bha dhreach, ’sadhealbh mar bumhiannach,
Le high iarraidh dh’i fein,
An tils briseadh an runachd,
’S i fo h-iir bhla air feill;
Beachd a b’f hearr, bu neo-fhurasd
A thabhairt tuille na dheigh,
Air an bganach mhaiseaeh,
A teachd o leacain nan geug.
Ach suil dha’n tug an t-dg gasda
Bu rioghail mais’ air gach taobh,
Dhearc air digh nan ciabh cas-bhuidh’,
Siar fo’ asgail nan craobh ;
Dheachd a chridhe le furtachd
Gu’m b'e sud cuspair a ghaoil,
A’s ghuidh e beannachd da ’n chodhail,
A bheag am brdn daibh araon.
Soraidh bhuan dha'n t-suaiilmeas bluin,
Gu la-luain cha glduais o’n bhds ;
Ghlac an uaigh an suaithneas ban
’S leacan fuaraidh tuaim’ a thdmh!
Air bhi dhomh-sa triall thar druim
Air di-dunaich, ’s comhlan leam,
Leughas litir naigheachd leinn,
’S cha sgeul’ ait a thachair innt’,
Soraidh bhuan, <|'C.
Albainn arsaidh ! ’s fathunn brdin,
Gach aon mhuir bait’ tha barcadh oirn,
T-oighre rioghail hhi san Rdimh,
Tirt’ an caol chist’ liobhta bhbrd!
Soraidh bhuan, 4’c.

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