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Teeoir, tryder, n.f. vigour, energy.
TRiioitACHADH, tryor'-ach-ad, pt. leading,
guiding, supporting, directing.
Treoraich, trydr'-ech, v. guide, give
strength to accomplish, strengthen.
Treoraichte, tryor'-ech-tya,p/. strength¬
Treubh, tx^v, n. f. tribe, family, race;
do r&r air treubh, according to your
tribe. Bible.
Treubhach, trav'-ach, adj. heroic, gal¬
Treubhanta, trav'-annt-a, adj. heroic,
fond of feats or atchievements.
Treubhantas, trav'-annt-as, n.f. display
of feats or atchievements, boasting.
Treubhas, trav' as, n.f. feat, exploit.
Treubh asach, trav'-as-ach, adj. fond of
displaying feats of valour; ostentatious.
Treud, tradd, n. m. a drove, flock, herd.
Treudach, tradd'-ach, adj. having many
flocks or herds; gregarious.
Treudaire, tradd'-ur-a, n. m. a drover.
Treudaiche, tradd'-ech-a, n. m. herds¬
Treun, tran, adj. persevering and success¬
ful beyond expectation, as a weak per¬
son; mighty, vigorous, B.\ surprising;
is treun a fhuaradh thu, you did surpri¬
singly ; is treun learn fhein a b’urrainn
thu, I am surprised that you were able ;
is treun a gheibhear thu, you do surpris¬
ingly ; treun an neart, mighty in strength.
Psalms; n. 7R. a hero, or brave man;
measg Min a shluaigh, among the brave
of his people. Ossian.
Treunachd, tran'-achg, n. f. perseverance
and success; surprising conduct.
Treunad, tran'-ad, degree of success, &c.
Treunadas, tran'-add-as, n.f. exploits.
Treunair, tran'-aer, n. m. diligent man.
Tri, tre, adj. n.c. three; tr\ uairean, thrice.
Triall, treall, v. stroll, travel, walk; n. m.
walking, travel, journey; design.
Triallaire, treall'-ur-a, n. m. traveller.
Trian, tre&n, n. m. third, third part;
gearrar da thrian, two-thirds shall be cut.
Bible; particle, ray; trian do shoillse,
ray of light. Ossian.
Triantach, trean'-ach, adj. triangular, in
Triantach, treant'-ach, n.f. a triangle.
Triantan, trSant'-an, n. pi. thirds.
Trianaid, trean'-aj, n.f. the Trinity.
Triath, treach, n. m. a. personage, lord,
chief; an triath tha borb, the hero that
is fierce. Ossian; coimeas do’n charraig
an triath, like the headland is the hero;
thog na triaith sleagh a bhius, the chiefs
lifted the spears of death. Ossian; mo
Dhia, ’s tu an triath ra-mh6r, thou art,
0 Lord, a very mighty Lord. Psalms.
Triathail, treach'-al, adj. mighty, lordly.
Tribhileach, tre'-vel-ach, n. f. marsh,
Trig, trechg, adj. often, frequent; adv.
Tricead, trechg'-ad, n. f. degree of fre¬
Tricead, trechg'-ad, adj. thirty. Armst.
Trid, trejj, for Frid, through, throughout.
Tri-deug, tre'-jja’g, n. c. adj. thirteen.
Trid-shoilleir, trej-h6elly,'-aer, a. trans¬
Trid-shoillse, trejj-ha5ellyv-sha, n. f
Trid-shoillseach, trejj-ha51T-shyach,a</;.
transparency, limpidness.
Tri-fhoghair, tre-a5A'-ur, n. m. tripthong.
1 ri-fichead, tre-fech'-ud, n.f. sixty; aon
*s trifichead, dha ’s tri-Jichead, sixty-
one, sixty.two; a h-aon-deug ’s tri-Jich¬
ead, seventy-one; seachd-deug’s trifich.
ead, seventy-seven; ochd-deug's tri-Jich-
ead, seventy-eight
Tri-ficheadamh, tre-fech'-ad-uv, adj. six
Tri-fillte, tre-felly"-tya, adj. threefold.
Trileanta, trel'-ant-a, adj. thirlling
Trileachan ; see Drilleachan, oystei
catcher; sand-piper, or sea-poet.
Trilsean, trelly'-shyaen; drillsean.
Trilis, tryel'-esh, n.f. locks of hair. Song.
Trinnsear, truenn'-shary’, n. m. plate.
1 rioblaid, treb'-laj, n../I trouble, distress,
calamity; is llonar trioblaid agus teinn,
thig air an f hlrean ch6ir, many straits
and calamities fall to the lot of the up¬
right', le trioblaid chruaidh, with sore
Trioblaideach, treb'-laj-ach, adj. dis¬
tressing, calamitous; ni trioblaid each, a
distressing thing', sore distressed.
Trioblaich, trebb'-llech, v. triple; make
Triobuail, treb'-uael, v. vibrate, swing.
Triobuilte, treb'-u’ll tya, a. triple, three¬
Triogh, tre'-gh’, n.f. fit, as of coughing
or laughing; the chin-cough, hooping-
Tri on aid, tren'-aj, n.f. Trinity.
Trionaidach, tren'-aj-ach, adj. Trinita¬
rian ; n. c. a Trinitarian.
Triopall, trep'-all, n. m. a bunch, (bad).
Trioramhach, trer'-rdv-ach, adj. three-
oared ; n.f three-oared boat, trireme.
Tri-shiollach, tre'-heul-ach, adj. having
three syllables; n. m. word having such.
Tri-shiolladh, tre'-heull-l, n. m. tri-syl¬
Tri-shlisneach, tre'-Alesh nach, at#, tri¬

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