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Miorbhuil, merv'-ul, n, f miracle.
Miorbeuileach, mer'-vuly’-ach, adj. mi-
raculoue, marvellous, wonderful.
Miorbhuilbachd, mer'-vuly-achg, n. f.
wonderfulncss, marvelousness, miracu¬
M10run, mer'-run, n m. malice, ill will,
Iiorunach, mer'-run-ach, a. malicious,
i»liorunachd, mer/.run-achg, n. f. mali-
ciousness, malevolence, ill will, spiteful¬
Mios, mess, n- m. a month; b’fhaide gach
miosa na bliathna, every month seemed
longer than a whole year. Smith.
Miosa, mes'-a, deg. of dona, worse, worst,
inferior; bithidh staid dheireanach an
duine sin na’s miosa na a thoiseach, the
last state of that man shall be worse than
the first t the beginning.
Miosach, mess'-ach, adj. monthly, men.
strual; an galar miosacht menstrual cour¬
ses, Arm.; n. f. herb, the purging-flax.
Mi os ail, mess'-al, a. monthly.
Mi os adair, mess'-ad-ar, n. m. an alma¬
nack, kalendar.
Miosgan, mesg'-an, n. m. butter-kit.
Miosguinn, messg'-enn, n.f. malice. H.
Mi ox ag, met'-ag, n.f. worsted glove.
Miothaird, me'-aij, n. f. unprotection,
state of not being looked after.
Miothlachd, me'-hlachg, n. m. offence,
displeasure, resentment; a’ toiltinn
m'tothlachd duine sam bith, incurring the
displeasure, or resentment of any person.
Miothlachdar, me'-hlachg-ur, adj. dis¬
pleasing, disagreeable, vexing, galling.
Mir, mer, n.f. fury, rage, mad play, or
romping; tha e air mhir, the man is
stark mad; v. sport, skip, frisk.
Mir, mer, n. m. bit, particle; cha’n'eil
niir agam, / have'nt a particle; na h-uile
mir, every bit, every particle’, a subdivi¬
sion, a portion; mir m6na, a subdivision
of a peat-stack; mir fearainn, a patch of
ground. Bible.
M ire, meri-a, n. m. pt. sport, sporting,
levity, fury, rage, frenzy ; dh’ 6irich iad
suas gu mire, they rose up to play, B.;
wire-chath, rage or fury of battle; also
the degree of mear, merry, wanton; na’s
mire, more merry or wanton.
Mikeag, meri-ag, n.f. frisking, skipping.
Mikeannacii, mer'-ann-ach, n. m. bridle-
Mi-reuson, me-r6as'-un, n. m. repartee.
Mi-reusonta, me-reas'-ant-a, a. irrational.
Mi-reusontachd, me-reas'-unt-achg, n.f.
unreasonableness, unconscionableneness.
Mi-riaghailt, me-rea'-aljty’, n.f. mis¬
rule, disorder, quarrel, confusion, tur¬
unruly, confused, unreasonable, quarrel¬
Mi-rian, me-renn, n. m. want of humour,
or order.
Mi-kioghail, me-re-yhal, adj. disloyal;
unbecoming a king, unprineely ; v. mis¬
Misd, meshj, Misde, meshj'-a, degree of
ole, dona, adv. &c.; cha mhisde mi siod,
1 am not a grain the worse for that; de
's misde thu e, what are you \the worse
for it ?
Misdeachd, meshj'-achg, n.f inferiority,
deterioration, tear.
Mi-stiuir, me-styher, v. misdirect, misad¬
Mise, mesh'-a, pron. I myself, me myself.
Misg, meshg, n. f. drunkenness, a de¬
bauch, intoxication, inebriety; thugaibh
an f haire dhuibh fein air eagal uair air
bith gu’m bith bhur cridheachan fodh
uallach le gedcaireachd aguslernwg', take
heed unto yourselves, lest at any time
your heart be overcharged with surfeit¬
ing and drunkenness, Luke xxi, 34.; air
tnhisg] drunk; uair air mhisg, is uair air
uisge, one day drunk, and another day
drinking water. G. Proverbs.
Misgeach, meshg'-ach, adj. drunken, in¬
toxicated, cha dean cridhe misgeach
breug, a drunkard often tells {reveals) the
truth. Prov.
Misgear, meshg'-Sr*, n. m. drunkard.
Misgearaced, meshg'-ar’-achg, n.f drun¬
kenness, potations; ri misgearachd, at
Misgeil, mesg'-al, adj. intoxicating.
Mi-sgeinm, me-skenm', n. f. slovenliness,
indecorum, indecency, untidiness.
Mi-sgeinmeill, me sk6nm'-al, a. untidy.j
Mi-sgeul, me-sk^’ll, n. m. evil report.
Mi-sgiobalta, me-skeb'-alt-a, adj. clumsy
untidy, unwieldy, awkward in dress.
Mi-sgiobaltachd, me-skeb'-alt-achg, n.f
untidiness, awkwardness in gait or dress.
Mi-sgoinn, me-skaoen, n.f. indecency.
Mi-sheadh, me-hyab-gh’, n. m. absurdity.
Mi-sheadhail, me-ha5-ghal, a. absurd.
Mi-sheilbh, me-halv, n.f. misfortune.
Mi-sheirc, me-haerk', n.f. disaffection.
Mi-sheirceil, me-haerk-al, adj. surly.
Mi-sheol, me-hy61, v. mislead, misguide.
Mi-sheolta, mS-hydlt'-a, adj. unhandy.
Mi-sheoltachd, me-hyolt'-achg. n.f. un¬
skilfulness, unhandiness, inexpertness.
Mi-shiobhalta, me-hev'-alt-a. ad;.uncivil.
Mi-shiobhaltachd, me-hev'-alt-achg, n.f.
uncivility, rudeness, unpoliteness, turbu¬

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