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in<r objects as greater or
less, better or worse, than
they really are ; as,
“They were swifter than
eagles, they were stronger than
7. Personification or Pro-
so-po-pae-ia, is a figure, by
which we ascribe life and ac¬
tion to inanimate objects,
and the use of reason to
irrational creatures, speak¬
ing of them as if they were
intelligent beings; as,
The ground thirsts for rain.
The earth smiles with plenty.
8. Vision or Imagery is
a figure, by which the
speaker represents a past or
future action or event as
actually passing before his
eyes, and present to his
senses ; as,
“ High sight it is and haughty
They dive into the deep defile.
Beneath the caverned cliff, they
Beneath the castle’s airy wall.’’
9. Apostrophe is a figure
by which the orator turns
abruptly from the subject
to address some other per¬
son or object; as,
“ Death is swallowed up in
a riochdachadh na ’s mo,
no na’s lugha, na’s fearr
no na’s miosa, na tha iad
gu fior; mar,
“ Bu luaitheiad na iolairean,
bu treise iad na leomhain.
7. Is e Pearsachadh.
figear leis am beil sinn a’
cur beatha agus gluasaid
as leth nithe neo-bheo agus
reusain as leth chreutairean
mi - reusanta, a’ labhairt
innpa mar gu’m bu chreut¬
airean tuigseach iad; mar,
Tha ’n talamh ag iarraidh an
Tha ’n fir ri gaire le pailteas.
8. Is e Sealladh figear
leis am beil am fear-labhairt
el’ nochdadh gniomha no
ciiis’ a thachair no tha gu
tachairt, mar gu’m biodh
e direach a’ dol fo ’shuilibh
agus ’an lathair a chailean;
“ ’S mi faicinn an t-seallaidh
lad a teamadh leis a’ ghleann,
A’ tuiteam sios fo chi-eig nan
Fo stuagh nan tiir arda fann.”
9. Is e .dscair figear leis
am beil an t-6raidear a’
tionndadh gu grad o ’n
cheann-teagaisg gu co-labh-
airt ri neach no cuspair
eigin eile ; mar,
“ Shluigeadh suas am has le

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