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smachdaichidh è mar asmachd-
aicheas athair am mac anns
am bheil à thlachd. — Gnàth-
ghràdhuighios an Tighearna
smachtuighidh sè è amhuil
athair an mac ionna mbì a
dhùil. — Seanraidhte iii.
1-12. Irish Bible, 1830.
Part III.
Syntax is that part of
Grammar which treats of the
construction and arrange-
ment of words in a sentence.
A Sentence is a series of
words, so arranged as to
make complete sense; as,
John is happy.
Sentences are either Sim-
ple or Complex.
A Simple sentence ex-
presses only a simple prop-
osition, or contains but one
verb, either simple or com-
pound ; as, Virtue exalts a
A Complex sentence con-
sists of two or more simple
sentences connected by one
or more conjunctions, to ex-
press a complete proposition;
as, Virtue exalts a man, but
vice debases him.
In every sentence there must
be a Subject, or thing spolcen of,
and a Predicate, or what is
affirmed o/the subject.
The name of the person or
thing upon which a transitive
Earran III.
earran sin de Ghràmar à ta
'teagasg mu cho-'rianachadh,
'us mu shuidheachadh fhoc-
al ann an cìallairt.
Is è Cìallairt sreath fhocal,
suidhichte air achd 'us gu'n
dean iad cìall làn ; mar, Tha
Iain sona.
Tha ciallairtean Singilt no
Airisidh cìallairt Singilt
aon smuanoirt singilt, no cha
ghabh è ach a-mhàin aon
ghnìomhar singilt no measg-
ta ; mar, Ardaichidh subh-
ailc duine.
Gabhaidh cìallairt Fìllt-
each dà chìallairt singilt no
ni's mò na dhà, co-naisgte le
h-aon no iomadh naisgear
gu smuanoirt làn airis ; mar,
Ardaichidh subhailc duine,
ach ìslichidh dubhailc è.
Fèumaidh Cùisear, nonì mu
'n labhrar, agus Feairt {abairt),
no na theirear uime, a bhi anns
gach cìallairt.
Is è ainm an neàch no 'n nì
air àm beil gniomhar asdach

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