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sentence, " I read and John writes," the verbs are " read"
and " writes." Without these two words / and John would
express nothing in this sentence.
6. TheAdverb. — An Adverb
6. An Co-ghnìomhar. — Is è
Co-ghnìonihar focal a* chuir-
ear ri gnìomhar, a 'nochdadh
nah-ùine, anàite nona dbigh
is a word joined to a verb,
to express the time, place,
or manner in which a thing
is done.
Tha Peadar a' lèughadh a
a-nìos, corae up,
7. The Preposition. — A
Preposition is a word placed
before nouns to point out
their relation to one an-
other; as,
Tha 'chuach air a' bhòrd, the cup is on the table.
gu làimh, from hand to hand.
8. The Interjectìon. — An
Interjection is a word which
expresses a sudden emotion
air an deanar nì ; mar,
, Peter is now reading. Thig
Shèinn an òigh gu-binn, the maid sung sweetlì/.
7. An Roimhear. — Is è
Roimhear focal à chuirear
roimh ainmearan, a 'nochd-
adh an t-seasaimh anns àm
beil ìad do chèile ; mar,
O làimh
of the mind ; as, Och I Alas !
9. The Conjunction. — A
conjunction is a word used
to connect words and sen-
tences together ; as,
8. An Clisgear. — Is è Clisg-
ear focal à tha'nochdadh glua-
said ghraid na h-inntìnn;
mar, mo thruaigh, mise !
pity me l
9. An Naisgear. — Is è
Naisgear focal à ghabhar gu
focail agus cìallairtean a
'nasgadh ri chèile ; mar,
Tha Peadar agus Iain sona do-bhrìgh gu'm beil iad math,
Peter and John are happy because they are good.
Declension is that change
whicli the beginning and
termination of a word un-
dergoes to express its va-
rious relations.
Is è Tèarnadh an t-athar-
rachadh sin à nìthear air
toiseach 'us air deireadh
focail, chum à chaochla
seasamh a 'nochdadh.
Declension is also called Inflection, and a declinable word is said
to be declined or inflected, when it receives diflFerent changes. The
changes made upon tbe beginning and end of words by inflection,
are called Accidents.

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