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lìomh, smooth ; lìon, fiax or net ; fill ; mìog, a smirk ; mìos,
a month ; nìos, from below ; prìomh, prime ; sìol, seed ; sìoman,
a rope ofstraw; sìon, astorm; sìorruidh, eternal ; sìos, down.
25. 16 short, like I in pln and 6 in sòn : — the o is obscure ; as,
Iochd, pity ; iodhal, an idol ; iolach, a shout ; iolar, an eagle ;
diog, a voice ; fiodh, timber ; fionnar, cool ; friogh, sharp ;
gliocas, wisdom ; pioc, pich ; riochd, likeness ; spiol, pluck ;
spiorad, a spirit ; tiorc, save ; tioram, dry.
26. iù long, like i in fìeld and u in tùhe.
Iùl, a guide ; biùthas, fame ; ciùrr, hurt ; diùc, a duke ;
diùlt, refuse ; fiùran, a branch; giùlain, carry ; liùgach, abject;
miùran, a carrot ; niùc, a corner ; siùbhìach, swift ; siùrsach,
a strumpet ; stiùradair, a leader ; triùcair, a rogue.
27. iu short, like I in pln and ù in bùsh, or iu like ew in dew ; as,
Iubhar, yew-iree ; fliuch, wet ; giuthas,^r liuthad, many ;
riut, to thee ; siubhal, walking ; tiugainn, come, let us go ; tiugh,
thick ; triubhas, trowsers ; piuthair, sister.
28. òi long, like 6 in oak and ì in fìeld, or òi=òl in oil ; as,
Oige, season of youth ; òigeach, an entire horse ; òigheil,
virgin-like ; ò'mid, a fool ; òigear, a youth ; òirnn, on us ;
bòilich, bombast ; còir, honest ; fòir, help ; fòirneart, violence;
dòirt, spill ; mòid, greatness ; nòin, noon ; pòit, drinking ; ròist,
roast ; tòir, pursuit, tòisich, begin.
29. òi, Iong, like 6 in own, I like I in pln ; as,
Bdid, a vow ; còig, five ; cldinn, to children ; cdill ? a wood ;
fdid, apeat ; fòillseachadh, revealing ; ldinn, beauty ; sdillsich,
enlighten ; tdinn, twist ; ròinn, divide.
30. oi short, like 6 in òn and I in pln, or oi=oi in coin pronounced as one
syllable ; as,
Oide, a step-father ; oibrich, to work ; fois, ease ; oilean,
education ; oiììt, terror ; oir, an edge ; coigreach, a strangcr ;
coileach, a cock ; coimeas, like ; coin, dogs ; coinneal, a candle ;
coit, a boat ; coisinn, gain ; doille, blindness ; goirtich, make
swe ; loinid, a churn-staff; moit, pride ; poit, a pot ; soilleir,
clear ; toiseach, beginning ; toit, steam ; toileach, willing.
31. ùi long, like Q in tùbe and ì ìn f ield ; as s
Uig, a nook ; bùidheag, a linnet ; ayellow flower ; bùir, roar
as a deer ; bùirich, dig ; ciaibhrig, a cover ; cùil, a corner ;
cùimhnich, remember; cùin, to coin; cùirt, a court; cùis, a case ;
dùil, hope ; dùisg, awake ; mùig, a gloom ; mùinntear, people ;

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