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pre-Dfs. Ministers— continued.
Btthguhitr £2 10
Dun isdeer 3 6
Wanlockhead 2 6
frlenkens 1
Palrymple 5
Fenwick 1 13
Kirkoswald 10
New Cumnock —
Alton 5
Oalstou 1
Coatbridge— Bast ... 10
Wishaw 10
Renton— Leveuside .. 1 0^
Bishopbriggs 4
Cathcart 4 14
Glasgow —
Barrowfleld 9
Campbell Street. ..050
Oban 2 3
Kilcalmonell 5
Campbeltown —
Loin Street 4
Kilmory 16
Lochranza 1 3
Muckairn 2
St. Ninian's 17
Stirling— Craigs .... 2
Bucklyvie 1 10
Glenlyon 2
Dunfermline —
St. Andrew's 15
Burntisland 1 4 8
Ferry Port 1
Glenisla 15
Dundee— Hilltown . . 12 8
Wellgate 5
Maryculter 4
Ballater 8 3
Croinar 3 6
Deskford 5
Knockando 6
Urquhart, Elgin 18
Dyke 17
EdinkiUie 6 6
Inverness — North... 5
Moy 116
Fan- 15
Halkirk 1 6
Fort-William 4
Plocktou 10
Kiulochewe O 10
Carinish, <Sc .. O 10
Harris O 5
Kilmuir, &c 1
Knock 1 5
Unst 1
Legacy by late Mr.
James Ferguson,
Glasgow 100
Edinburgh —
Fountainbridge 5
Ureyfriars' 17
St. George's 8 15 10
St. Mary's 6 6
St. Stephen's 18
Tol booth 1 15
Lcith— North 9
Morningside 1
Halfmorton 10
Kirkcudbright 4 6
Airdrie— West ?
Hamilton —
St. John's 16
Old Xilpatrick 2
Glasgow — Kelvinside 10
St. James's 9
Denny 2 6
Forgandenny 2
East Wcinyss 1 8
Mai kind} 2 6
Kirkcaldy II ll
Do., Pathhead 3 6
Dundee— St. Johns.. :1 6
St. Paul's 10
Montrose — St. John s 7 10
Cluny 4 3
Turriff 6
New Marnoch 5 6
Caimie 10
Maryburgh 15
Further dividend to
account of legacy
by late Jas, Ewing,
Esq. of Strath-
leveu 43
Ladies' Association,
for Teachers in
UigMands 62 10
Fountainbridge 15
Dalbeattie 1
Barrhill 15
New Cumnock —
Afton 5
Chapelton 15
Campbell Street. . . 12
.Sandbank 6
Kilmory 7
Stirling— Craigs 2
Craig 1 5
Dyke 19
Moy 1
Assynt...,,, 10
Unst .'.. 110
j ..: f o o
It. N. 3
Legacy by late Miss
Jane Patrick, Dun-
dee 3
Further dividend of
2s. per £1 to ac-
count ot legacy by
late Jas. Ewing,
Esq. of Strath-
leveu 45
Home Mission — continued.
Legacy by late Miss
Jane M. Trail £10
Legacy by late Misa
A. Hunter, Green-
otk 225
Stonefield, for Mis-
sionary 1 18
Glenboig, for do 10
Fountainbridge.... 10
Dalbeattie 10
Paisley— Gaelic 11
Glasgow —
Campbell Street. . . 15
Rose Street 17 3
Kilmory 1 2
Tobermory 10
Aberdeen —
John Knox's 15
Melville 1 16 2
Ballater 110
Knockando 10
Dyke 1
Moy 1 12
Tongue 18
Unst IS 10
Edinburgh —
Fountainbridge 10
St. John's 3 10 (I
Tolbooth (addl.) ..100
Leith— South 2
Swinton 10
St. Boswell's 1 10
Dalbeattie 15
Barrhill O 18
Colmonell 12 6
Kilwinning 1
New Cumnock —
Afton 5
Campbell Street . 10
Govan —
StColumba's 1 12
Kilmory 8
Lochranza 2 10
Tobermory 2 8 11
Blairgowrie — First.. 4 35 2
Dundee— Hilltown . . 14 3
Aberdeen— Melville.. 2 3
Ballater 10 9
Banff 4
Knockando 6
Dyke 10
Moy 2 10
Assynt 1
Fort- William 4
Carinish 12 6
Unst 15
Kilmarnock High-
landers, for Mis-
sionary 2
Assynt, for Catechist \ 19
H. M. Matheson.lEsq..
for Catechist at
Ktrathpejjer 20
J 7
A Member of Stair
Free Church 2
A Member of Stair
Free Church 10
Legacy by Miss Jane
Patrick, Dundee.. 3 (,
The late Miss C. B.
Youne, Broughty-
Ferry 50
Further dividend of
2s. per £1 to ac-
count of legacy by
late Jas. Ewing,
Esq. of Strath-
leveu 45
Do., " to Glasgow Mis-
sionary Society " . . 45
Legacy by Miss Jane
M. Trail 10
Legacy by Miss Ann
Hunter. Greenock. 225
An Office - bearer in
Symington 5
Rev. J. Dawson 5
A. B S
Major - Gen. Irving,
R.A., C.B 1 5 I)
Mrs. Carslaw. sen. ..100
"Jacob's Vow,"' for
Br. Eider 's Medical
Mission, Madras. .. 10
J. 7
Miss M. H 111 tl
Edinburgh —
St. George's —
Miss M. Camegy,
for Tank at Ma-
hanad 50
From Whyte Trus-
tees, for Bursaries
at Bombay and
Nagpore 45
Odessa Congregation. 3 14 1
Barclay 282 10, 9
Pleasance 1 6 1
New North (addl.).. 3
St. Andrew's 53 7
St. Mary's 21 12 10
St. George's 190
North Leith 27 17 6
EllsrldgehiU 4
lloiiudwood 6 12 7
St. Boswell's 3
Foreign— continued.
Yarrow £18
Stoneykirk 2 17 6
Symington 3 10 6
Glasgow —
Cunningham 3 3 8
Knox's 13 6
St. Enoch'sladdl.).. 3 6
Kilmun 7 15 9
Campbeltown —
Lochend 17 11 3
Whiting Bay 8 10
Kildalton 4
Alloa— West 6
Alva 14
Dunipace 3 16
Dunkeld 5 6 6
Droughty -Ferry —
East 10 10
Longloigan 10
Arbroath— Knox's . . 6 10
1'anbride 5
New Pitsligo 18 3
Slains 17
Fyvie 7 16 3
Forglen 12 7
Knockando 3
Dallas 5 4 6
Alness 3 8
Dingwall 1 15
Kilmonivaig 7 6
Kilmuir, &c 2 3 2
Raasay 110
H array d 7
Holm 3 3 6
South Ronaldshay. . . 2
A Widow's Mite,
Dailly 6
Thank-offering from
D. Howie. Glasgow 2
Four Children of
D. Howie, Glasgow 2
Miss E. Carnegy 15 C
Rev. J. Dawson.
Chindwara 5 9
A Friend, per Miss
Paterson 3
R. N. 25
Rev. James Scott,
Impolweni. 2
In memory of a be-
loved husband, by
his widow, H. E. . . 1
Stirling— Craigs o
Crudeu District Meet-
ing Collections — 5
Glasgow. Foreign
Missions Students'
Union 2 10
Miss Matheson of
Achany 25
Fountainbridge 10
I'allieattie 10
Barrhill 13
New Cumnock —
Afton 5
Kilmory 1
Dundee— Hilltown .. 10 5
Craig 15
Dyke 1
Moy 1 10 6
Unst 13 6
The late Miss Jane
Patrick y
Major-Gen. Irving,
R.A., C.B J 5
Further Dividend of
2s. per £1 to account
of legacy by late
James Ewing, Esq.
of Strathleven 45
Otago, New Zealand 100
Odessa Congregation 74 1 6
Edinburgh —
Fountainbridge 15
New North. 23 6
St. Andrew s 35 4 8
St. Mary s 13 5
Leith— South 1
St. Ninian's 11 5
Linlithgow 2 10
Carlops 6
-Musselburgh 17
Temple 15 o
Cockburnspath 5
Innerwick 10
Pencaitland 10
Tranent 10
Duuse 2 2 6
Laugton 10
Swinton 10
Coldstream 1 10
Ancruin 6
Castleton 7
C'railing 13
Denholm 1 12
St. Boswell's 1 10
Halfmorton 18 7
Kirkpatrick-Flerning 8
Dalbeattie 1
Dumfries— South.... 2 10
Kirkpatrick-Durham 18
M.ixwelltown 2
Pcnpont— Wesf JO
Sanquhar 2 14
Wanlockhead, Sc.... 17 6
DuiTisdccr 4
Cairnryan 7 1
Inch 1
sheuchan 5 17 8
Stoneykirk 16
Borffue 10
Jews — continued.
Castle-Douglas —
M'Millan £15
Glenkens 10
Barr 14
Barrhill 12 6
Colmonell I 11
Symington 10
Taibolton 7 6
Fenwick 110
Galston 10
Kilbirnie 10
Kilmarnock —
Henderson 2 15
Saltcoats— Gaelic 10
Stevenston 10
Johnstone 110
Paisley— Gaelic 10
MartyTs' 16 1
South 3
Pollockshaws — East.. 15
Renfrew 2
Greenock —
St. Andrew's 5
Airdrie — Broomkuoll 10
Graham Street 2
High 15
Coatbridge— East. .. 35
Qxeeugaiis 4 5
Burnbank. 2 10
Holytown 6
Larkhall 8
Cddingston 8 6 6
Wishaw 10
Killearn and Balfron 15
Rosneath 2 2
Cathcart 4 9 4
Campbell Street. ..050
College 24 4
G t. Hamilton St. . . 10
Milton 2 .3
Paisley Road 4 10 O
St. Andrew's 10
Tron 6
Govan— St. Mary e . . 1 10
Campbeltown —
Lorn Street U
South Knapdale 12
Kilcalmonell 7
Kilmory 12
Lochranza 1 13
Muckairn 1 15
Oban 5"
Coll 13 6
Strontian 15
Tobermory 8 5
Bannockburn 4
St. Ninian's 3 1
.stilling— Craigs 4
Bucklyvie 12
Struan 19 31
Strathiillan 10
Tummel Bridge 17
Collace 116
Dunfermline —
St. Andrew's 19 3
Fossaway 2 9
Strathmiglo 2 3
Cupar 13
Ferry-Port 1 17 6
Stiathkiuness 10
Cray 15
Glenisla 12
West 8
Dundee —
Hilltown 14 1
Wellgate 6
Lochee 17 6
Longforgan 3
St. John's 9 6 4
Arbroath— East 10
Carmylie 7 6
Friockheim 1 5 6
Fcttercaim 1
Kinneff 3 6
High 4 1? 4
Melville 2 15 10
Ballater 6
Croinar 5
Echt 17
Str.ithdon 1 15
Slains 3
Peterhead— South ... 10
St. Fergus 1
Forgue 1 15
Buckie 1 13 6
Deskford 11
Bellie 3 10
Knockando 8
Elgin— High 4 15
Dyke 1
EdinkiUie 12 6
Daviot 2 15
East 5
North 6 5
Kirkhill 3 9 6
Moy 2 12 5
Cromarty 6 9 4
Kilteara 3 15
Logie-Easter 10
Assynt 15
Ed.irachillis 12 6
Fai r 10
Keiss 12
Olrig 1 13
Glenelg o 15
Lochbroom 3 10 G
Kiulochewe 1 7 6
Fort-William 3
Kilmonivaig 1 10
Carinish 18 6
Harris 8
Kilmuir, &c 1 10
Bernera, &c 7 8
Back 2 5 11
Knock 5
Papa-Wcstrny 30
Jews— continued
StromneBS £2 32
Unst 1 10
Yell— West 8 7
J. MacCallum, Esq. . 10 u
A. B., Leith 5
Mrs. Carslaw. sen 100 n
Mrs. Capt. Scott 10
A Friend 2
Do., for Bohemian
Bursaries 2
A Friend 3
A Friend, P. Edward
Island 10
A Friend, Chatham,
New Brunswick .. . 4
Israelite 2 6
J 7
From a Member of
Stair F. Church... 2
Miss M. H 10
G. F. Barbour, Esq ,
for Bohemian Bur-
saries.., 20
Thank-offering from
a Member of Edin-
burgh Knox's 10
Paisley Ladies' So-
ciety, for Scliool at
Pesth 16 6
Do., for Rev. A.
Moody's Work at
Pesth 10
Do., for Miss Mac-
Gregor's Work at
Constantinople 7
The late Miss J. Pat-
rick, Dundee 3
The . late Barbara
Mortimer, Aberdeen 5
Legacy by late Miss
Jane M. Trail 10
Further dividend of
2s. per £1 to ac-
count of legacy by
late Jas. Ewing,
Esq. of Strath-
leven 45
Residue of "late Miss
Cath. Crawford,
Wallacetown, Ayrl031 6 H
Tullibody S.S 1
Glasgow —
Anderston S.S 1 15
Mrs, Berrie 1
Friends, per Rev. J.
G. Cunningham... 2 10
J. M'Callum, Esq. .. 10
It. Macfie, Esq., Airds 25
"Islay ' 10
Mrs. Alexander 10
J. Grant, Esq.. for
Mr. M' All's Mission 10
R. N. 1 o
Mr. W. M'Lean, for
Home 5
The late Miss J. Pat-
rick, Dundee 3
Kilniodan, for Mr.
M' All's Mission 2 6
Cannes 57 f 7
Mentone 17 13 9
(Collections will be given in
next month's Record. ì
U. N. O 1
(Collections will be given in
next month's Reeord.)
Further dividend o<
2s. per £1 to aci
count ol legacy by
late Jas. Ewing,
Esq. of Strath-
leven 450
Legacy by late Misa
Jane M. Trail 50
Further dividend of
2s. per £1 to ac-
count of legacy by
late Jas. Ewing,
Esq. of Strath-
leven 180
Edinburgh —
New North —
R. S. Patterson.. 2 2
John Parker 12
Roseburn —
Rey. A. G. Mac-
Gillivray 5
Mrs. Baxter 5
Mrs. Penman ... 30
Other Sums 3, 10 6
St. Luke's—
Jrs. Kidd 100
Westport —
C, Aitken I n o
A. Cleghorn 1 o
J. Craig 1
J. Cameron 1 2 (i
T. Crow 10
C. Docherty 10
J. Fairley 3
W. Forsyth 5
J. Howden 1
H. Iuglls 10
Rev. J. Jolly. ... 2 10

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