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cast in the sea and granttis that thair vves vatter brocht out of Schinakes
well quhen he was seik at that tyme.
January 6th. — -IVarrand : Hossak : Fnrquhar : Walker: Tailyeour. —
Comperit William Warrand in Over Manbeins and confessit that he yeid
in pilgrimage to the chappell of Speysyid bairfut and bairlcggit and
drank of the well besyid the chappell, that he yeid about the chappell
bairfut and thair vves with him his brother Williame Sjic\ Warrand and his
sister Jonet Warrand in the same forme and did the same thingis as he
did. James Hoissak and Margaret Hoissak grantis that thei yeid to
S. Geretynes caue bairfut and bairleggit. The said James declairis that
he had a sair arme quhilk he pat in the hoill that is in that cave and
wes nocht the bettir and sayis that his sister wes nccht seik. Cristcn
Farquhar, spous to Hossak thair confessis that scho haid a sair leg
quhilk wes the occasioune of hir gangang thair and sayis scho wes the
bettir of hir jorneying to the caue. Williame Walker and Williame
Tailyeour in Douelliegrein confessis that they yeid in pilgrimage to
Cheppell bairfut and bairleggit and kneilit about the chappell and
declarit that they gaif sum of thair meat to the puir that wes thairat.
It is appointit sic personis that passed in pilgrimage in coniunct
idolatrie be puneist in wairding of thair persones and makand thair
repentans in sacclothe.
Leang : Duncane. — Alexander Leang is adiudgit to pay vs. and mak
his publict repentans Sonday for careing a lead fra the miln on a Sonday
and NicoU Duncane, servitour to David Torrie, for doing the lyk
appointit to pay xl d. and mak his publict repentans.
January loth. — Thair wes a gude and frequent conventioun baith
befoir and eftirnone, thankis God.
January 13th. — Repentance of idolaters ; Walker: Tailyeour. — It is
speciallie appointit decreed and ordanit that sick persones within this
paroche as confessit thair going to the idolatrous places of the chappell
at Speysyid and to the caue besyid the seysyid of Stotfauld in super-
stitious pilgrimage salbe puneist and censurit in this soirt viz. that ilkane
of thame sail mak thair publict repentans in sacclothe ilk Sondaye
betuix Trinitie Sonday nixt to cum and the first day of August thair-
eftir bairfut and bairleggit, siclyk to enter ilk Satirday during the space
forsaid at sevine houris in the mornyng in the steipill of S. Gelis kirk
thairin to remane in waird that day and that nicht quhill thai entir on

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