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Williame Hay, baxter, Williame Dauisone and Jonct Auldcorn ar
becum vnder the paynes of xl s. that thai sail [not] baik in ony of tliair
oovnes on the Sabboth dayes.
The names of the elderis of the burgh of Elgin being proclamit the
secund tyme and no mane objectand wer solempnlic and publictlic
electit. [Such was done yearly.]
December i6th. — Buriall. — The Sessioune perceiving gryt percll
through the burieing of people in the kirkyaird of thair perroche kirk
and within the kirk itself by raising of grene graivis and hoiking under
the kirk vail undermynding of the samyne ordanis fra this furth that na
persone presume to mak graivis within the precinct thairof or yit to
burie any persone within the boundis of the samine.
William Richartsone and James Donaldsone to pay half mark to the
puir for remouuing furth out of the toune the tyme of the foirnonis
December i8th. — Thomas Symond, cutlar, confessit the charmeing of
bairns for the heart growing (becaus sayis he that he is a schyir smyth).
The forme is this : he sayis that he takkis a smythis hammer and his
tonges and sayins the barne, with the saying In iio77iine patris et filii et
spiritns sancti, etc. He declaris that Katherein Sutherland and Margaret
Mill brocht ilk ane of thame ane bairne of thairis to him quhilk he
charmit in the same forme.
December 30th. — The officiaris commandit to poynd the absentis fra
sessioun this day and speciallie thais that yeid in pilgrimage to the
chappell and the well.
Katherein Sutherland confessit that scho presentit hir bairne to be
charmit with the cutlar betuix Andresmes and the tuantie fywe day of
Dec. thaireftir. Margaret Milne confessit that scho presentit ane woman-
child to the said Thomas Symond to be charmit about fywe yeiris bygane.
January 1st. — Cock: Murdoche. — James Cock in Nether Manbeins
confessit that he and James Murdoche thair yeid upon a tyme to Alues
to ane vitche quha thaireftir wes brint in Darnevay ; and the said James
confessit that he gaif hir half mark stik quhilk scho said behouit to be

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