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Anent the Chanonrk kirk. — All prophane pastyme inhibited to be
usitt be any personcs ather within the burgh or college and speciallie
futballing through the toun, snaw balling, singing of carrellis or uther
prophane sangis, guysing, pyping, violing, and dansing and speciallie all
thir aboue specifeit forbiddin in the Chanonrie kirk or kirk yaird thairoff
(except futball). All women and lassis forbiddin to haunt or resoirt thair
under the paynis of publict repentans, at the leist during this tyme
quhilk is superstitiouslie keipitt fra the xxv day of December to the
last of Januar nixt thaireftir, quhilk ordinance the minister sail intimat
furth out of the pulpitt.
Sonday the 23rd of December 1599. — Convenit the minister and
elderis and ordenitt William Hyis wyffe, Johne Mowis wife, Andro
Annandis wyffe and Andro Gordounes wyffe Johne Gadderaris sone and
Andro Gordounes sone quho wer schewdand in a raip this day, all
theis to be summonitt agane the mornying prayeris the morne to gif
accomptes of all as affeiris.
December 28th. — Navies of the Lasses. — Heir followis the names of
thame that wer singand in the Chanonrie kirk on the 26th day of
December : Margaret and Isbell Boynd, Marjorie and Elspet Sutherland,
Thomas Innes, persoun of Bonnachie, his daughter, Isbell Schand, Bessie
Douglas, Janet Gardin, Magy Thomesone, Marjory Kaye, Janet Haye,
Thomas Hay the clerks daughter, Isbell Skynner, Elspet Stephin,
Isbell Innes, Agnes Innes, Walter Innes dauchters, Gelis Tarres,
Barbara Rob, Isbell Dauidsonc, Magy Andersone, Annapill Chalmer,
to be heir on Wednisday nixt and to ressaue thair injunctionis with
Agnes Walker and the mylner of the Linkwoidis woman wes with
thame the same tym. James Calder, burges of Elgin, is becum caution
that Marjorie Kay sail not haunt the Chanonrie kirk in tymes cuming
about the tymes forbiddin under the paynes of v lib.
I 600.
January 2nd. — George Kay and Thomas Robertsone to stand quhill
evin in the steipill for passing of tym the houre of the Wedinsdayes
preaching and not being occupeit in handiwork to pay 2s. or they cum

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