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Sonday nather to marie ony at that tyme and last of all inhibit to
ressaue ony parteis befoir him.
October 14th. — All sick persounes as wer found in the Deanes yaird
this daye the tym of the sermoun to be wairdit at the morning prayeris.
October 19th. — The officiaris commandit to leasche the boyes at the
cros that were playand the tyme of the sermone.
October 26th. — Bisliopc. — Alexander Steuart is becum caution that
Grissall Bishope sail stand on the stuill and hir hair about hir ecn three
November 4th. — The maisteris of the Grammcr and Sang Scholes ar
appointit to disciplin thair disciples that trublit the kirk this day.
November 13th — Patrik Dunbar baron of Sanquhar is married to
Katherein Cuming the relict spous of John Forbes in Ortoun and
daughter to John Cuming of Erns)'de yr.
November 14th. — Isbell Foulertoun [and others] to pay half merk
for awaybyding fra the kirk. The minister exhortis the elderis in Gods
name to be mair carefull and dilligent in thair calling. The minister sail
admoneish all the inhabitantis of this burgh furth of the pulpit to keip
the preaching and specialie the gudman and gudvvyffe of ilk hous to be
present at the Wedinsdayis preaching and that they keipe the prayeris,
attour to inhibitt all pastyme on the calsay and vaging thairon the
tyme of devyne service and all extraordinar drinking at ony tym under
the paynis of condigne puneishment.
November 16th. — Duff. — It is appointit that ilk Sabboth day tua
elderis sail sit in the east end of the loft and thair tak ordour with the
landward peopill and siclyk that Thomas Duff be commandit nocht to
suffer his children to play on the Sabbath or uther preaching dayis in the
Channonrie kirk.
December 5th. — I\Iitdderak.—]oh\\c Muddcrak, saidler, accusit for
being in the Deanes yaird on Sonday the tyme of the eftirnoonis
sermone. The said Johne confessit, but only upone occasioun (as he ves
informitt) to haiff William Sutherland, saidler, onharmitt Alexander
Gadderar to quhome he haid promesitt ane euill turne and no vther-
vvayes. William Sutherland [and others] to stand in the steipill.
December 21st. — Play grantit to the bairnis of the Grammcr and
Sang Schole for the space of ten dayis provyding that ather of thame
present the kirk and the skuillis tuyse ilk daye and failyeing thairoff no
playe to be admittit.

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