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is becum cautioun for Johne Herrald that he sail lerne his beleifF betuix
this and the said day.
September 7th. — It is appointit that Alexander Lyndsaye, William
Mihi induellaries of Mekill Innerlochtie be poyndit of half ane merk
for ther disobediens and working on the Sabboth day.
October 5th. — Convenit the minister, baillies and haill elderis and
accusit mony of the inhabitantis of this burgh (quho comperit) for not
keiping of the Sabboth day in heiring of the sermonis and speciallie for
being absent on Sondaye last outher afoir or eftirnoone and sic personis
as culd not purge them selffis be thair aithis ar committit to waird in the
stepill thairin to remane ay and quhill they paye half a merk of thair
geir and gif they contempne and becum incidents to be duplicat toties
quoties, and sic personis as payis nocht half a merk sail stand in the
steipill quhill Frydaye nixt upoun bread and watter.
October 7th. — Generate Act. — Sic persounes as ar contempnaris of
the word and cumis nocht the sermones afoir and eftir none on the
Sabboth dayis salbe callit afoir the sessioun and without ane lauchfull
excuis admittit be the sessioun sail stand xlviii houris in the steipill or
ellis to redeme them selues be half ane merk.
A day off fast and abstinence to be upoun Sonday nixt and the
samyn the morne to be proclamit be sound of the hand bell throche the
October 9th. — Flemyng. — Convenit the minister and all the haill
elderis within the queir and callit befoir thame Agnes Fleming, spous to
Jhone Angous, and accusit hir speiking within the kirk the tyme of the
psalme and vsing conferens, quhilk being provin and confessit scho is
adjudgit to be arreistit in the queir quhill scho pay vis. viiid. of penaltie
to the puir and also upoun Sondaye nixt thairefter to mak her publict
repentans, and also forther the minister and elderis ordanis the strenth
and force of this act to strik vpoun all personis committeris of the lyik
offence in all tymes cumming.
October 12th. — It is appointit that four eldaris and tua baillies with
the four officiaris pas throche the haill toun ilk Sondaye and searche
thair quarters and for this caus the officiaris to have the name of the
eldaris in wreitt quhairby they may be chargit ilk Sattirdaye at ewin
orderlie vicissim.

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