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be publeishit be the sound of the hand bell through this toun inhibiting
all persounes in maner forsaid, under the saidis paynes.
All persounes refusaris almous to the puiris bred to be summondit
agane Wedinsday nixt viz. Thomas Ga [and five others].
The act maid anent Mr. John Inncs excommunicat of new agane to
be publeishit be sound of the hand bell through the toun that na man
within the paroche have ony doing or conference with him and that na
inhabitant of this burgh ressaue him in thair houssis in ony tym cuming
under the paynes of ten poundis and thair repentance publictlie.
August 28th. — Margat Vinchester and Margaret Lochhilles,
inhabitantis of the colledge, ar accusit for not repairing to the Sondayes
sermonis quhilkis ar prcachit within this kirk quho ar appointit to be
rcstit quhill they find cautioun to haunt the samyn as occasioun offerris.
Elspet Mill complenit to the sessioneris vpoun Stephin Jhonestoun
quhome scho allegis molestit hir in the place quhair scho satt the tym
of the sermone this day and gaif hir injurious vordis quhilk the
clderschipe hes tryit and fand the same to be trew. Lyikas also the
said Stephin gaue the said Elspet the lie in thair presens and spak
misnortour language and thairfoir the saidis elderis adjugis him in the
wrang and to haue offendit baith to them and to the compleiner, for
the whilk he is appointit on Sonday nixt to confess his offens and
craue pardon thairfoir, lykas the said Stephin hes promeist to do.
September 2nd. — It is surmeisit be sum of the eldaris that Alex.
Boyndis wyiff haid spokin that scho wald ding James Andersounis vyf,
quhairvpoun the eldaris desyrit the said Alexander to caus his wyiff
compeir afoir thame on Sonday ni.xt efter the sermone and ansuer
thairfoir quhilk thing the said Alexander promeist to do and that in
respect it is allegit scho spak by her deutie aganis the minister.
A promeis of the Gardncris. — • Comperit Paull Dunbar, Williame
Stalker, Williame Tarres, and Thome Duff accusit upoun the sayingis
whair they said that this kirk is nocht thair perroche kirk denyit all
and promeist to haunt the sermonis quhilkis ar to be preachit in this
kirk gif iust occasion stayit them nocht. Margaret Lochhillis promeist
to keipe the sermonis under the pain of vs.
September 4th. — Patrick Rattray becam cautioun that James Rob
sail learne the xii articles of the faith betuixt this and Mertimes nixt
under the paynes of 40s. William Froster, in Glakmarres, in lyk maner

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