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48 RECORDS OF ELCIN. [1596-7.
March 2nd. — Murray. — Alex''. Murray, rclapsit, to remane xxiiij
hoiiris vpoun bread and vvatter 3 Sondays repentance.
March 9th. — Wilh'am Murra)' and John Warden sail big in this ouk
ten fiittis of the kirkzaird d)-ik betuix thame under the paynes of 40s.
Johnnc Ros promeist to big iiij futtis within aucht dayis.
March i6th. — Sic peopill alandward as hes not cum in to the
examinatiounes as zit nor will nocht cum eftir lawfull intimation furth
of the pulpit sail pay ilk zeman man 13s. 4d., ilk cotter iijs. 4d.
15 97-
March 25th. — The haill cldaris hes promeist a boll lymc ilk ane of
thame to sparge the kirk withall.
March 28th. — In Pluscarden. That ilk daye in presens of ane
hundreth personis within the said queir of Pluscarden eftir the cxami-
nationes theirin compeirit Andro Wricht in Nether Byiris and Elspet
Feirsoun and with adwyis of thair parentis ratefeit and affirmit ane
promeis of mariage to be performit linw sune thair bannis beis proclamit
vndir the paynes of xx lib.
March 30th. — Witnessis to be summondit to testific in Johnne
Layngis wyiffis sclander anent the dead mannis hcid carreit furth out of
the kirk.
April 1st. — Kay : Duncan. — Complaynt of James Kay aganis George
Duncane for sclandering him to be spy to the erle of Kaitnes anent the
taking of Thomas Steuart allegit servitour to Mackintoishe. The eldaris
fyndis the said James to be honest and clean therof.
Grissall Johnnstoun accusit for denuding of hir seliT of the sacclothe
eftir scho ves indewit thairwith and presentit the place of repentance
thairwith as it appeirit in contempt of the discipline. Scho ansuerit that
David Torrie hir maister forbad hir to take the samyn clayth on hir gif
it ves ane auld clayth. Scho mon present hirself cled thairwith the nixt
Sondaye and another Sondaye for hir contempt.
April 8th. — The haill four quarteris of this toun sail cum in this ouk
about the tym of evening prayeris to be catechised. Sonday nixt salbe
the celebratioun of the Communioun in the body of the kirk vpoun
tabillis set thairfor, and for the mair comelie order to be obseruit it is

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