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I596-7-] THE CHURCH: kirk session. 47
January 26th. — Douglas, iw^rrtr.— Williame Douglas viccar of Elgen
being desyn't be the eldarschipe according to his dewtie as they allegit
to warne in the parochioneris to thair examinatiounes agane the
communioun or ells to gif xx s. yeirlie to the redar or sum vther honest
man to do the same to the quhilk the eldarschipe promeis to giff and
adjoyn xls. alwayes George Douglas minister at Dolles hes gififen 13s. 4d.
in name of the said Williame quhairvvith the eldaris for the present
ar content and ordanis the samyn 13s. 4d. with xl s. to be giffin to Robert
Leslie and the said Wm. yeirlie to pay the samjm 13s. 4d. money.
Coqiiilanis. — The eldarschipe findis thameselues juges competent to
judge vpoun all makars of cokalanes in all poynts of thair sclandcrous
writtingis and to puncis thame therfoir according to the power
ecclesiasticall committit to thame be his majestic reseruand his majesties
awin power to puneis thame criminallie, so far as concernis thame and
thair power ecclesiasticall alwayes in all tymes cuming appoynts statutis
and ordanis that eftir tryall quhomsoeuir thai find to mak the same to
the disgrace and sclander of thair nichtbour sal! pay ane hundreth punds
money and sail mak thair publict repentance according to the discretioun
of the cldarschip in sackclothe, and nocht being responsall sail do thair
repentans nyne veekis and rcmane in vaird a\- betucyne, and this for the
makars of coquilanis.
January 28th. — The strangeris beggaris to be warnit to remoue furth
of this burgh be sound of the bell and oppin proclamatioun and
ressauaris of thame to hospitalitie to pay 13s. 4d. onforgivcn.
February 2nd. — James Ogilvy to give answer ancnt the hospitall
hous on Fridaye nixt.
February \'Cn.—Inhibitioun to the puir. — The officiaris hes callit the
inhabitantis of the haill four quarteris of the toun to gif thair adwyis
anent contributioun for relief of the puir and punisching of stranger
February loth. — Bell sylver. — Ressauit fra James Douglas ane fyve
lib. piece for Brumehill and Pettindreich. Item v lib. for the auld
mylnis fra Wm. Young. Item fra Thomas Hay xiij lib., etc.
February i6th. — Horner callit Alexander Fraser to remane in waird
quhill he fynd cautioun that he sail nocht ressaue vagabundes idill nor
stranger beggaris to ludging. Grissell Johnestoun for hir contempt to
be put in the steipill and thair remane quhill scho fynd cautioun to
fulfil the act maid anent movaris of trubels.

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