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younger in Tranent ; and ficlyke, for the opening of the faitl Dauidis foir 3ett,
the key thairof being lyand vjioun the buird/ at the fupper : As alfo, fylit, for
the opning of ane lok be his forcerie, in Dauid Seytonnis moderis, be blawing in
ane womanis hand, him felfF fitand att the fyre fyde. — (11.) Item, Fylit, for the
being cumand furth of Patrik "\^niphrais fonis hoiis in the mylne, vnder nycht,
fra his Hipper ; and pafland to Tranent on horfbak, and ane man with him ; be
his devililich craft, rafit vp foure candillis vpoune the liorffis twa Inggis, and ane
vthir candill vpoune the ftalff quhillc the man liad in his hand ; and gaif fic liclit,
as gif itt had bene day lycht ; lyke as, tlie faidis candillis returnit with the faid
man, quhill his hamecuming ; and caufit him fall deid, at his entre witliin the
hous. — -(12.) Item, Fylit, for the wiching^ and poffeffing of the (laid) Williame
Hutfoune, with ane ewill fpreit ; quhilk continewit with him tuentie fax oulkis ;
lyke as, the laid fiweit departit and left him, how fone the faid Johnne wes tane
and apprehendit. — (13.) Item, Fylit, for being in cumpany with Annie Samp-
foune, Robert Grierfoun, Kaet Gray and vtheris, vpoune Hallowmes ewiu ; thay
embarkit in ane boit, befyde Robert Greirfounis hous in the Panuis, and faillit
owr the fea to ane tryift thay had with ane viher witch : quhair thay enterit
within ane fchip, and drank gude wyne and aill thairin ; and thairefter cauffing
the faid fchip and boit to perifch, with the perfonis being thairin ; and than re-
turning hame. — (14.) Item, Fylit, for the vfing be way of Witchcraft, of mode-
wart^ feit vpoune him, in his purfe ; gevin to him be Sathan, for this cans, that
fa lang as he had tliame vpoime him, he fidd never want filuer. — (15.) Item,
Fylit, for being in North-Berwik-Kirk, at ane conventioune with Sathan and
vtheris witches ; quhair Sathan maid ane dewelifch fermon, quhair the faid
Johnne fatt vpoune the left fyde of the puljipett, narreft him : And the fermon
being endit, he came doune and tuke the faid Johnne be the hand, and led him
v.idderfchinnis^ about ; and thairefter, cauffit him kyfe his erfe. — (16.) Item,
Fylit, for the chaiffing of ane catt in Tranent ; in the qidiilk chaife, he was
careit heich aboue the ground, with gryt fwyftnes, and as lychtlie as the catt hir
felff, ower ane heicher dyke, nor he was able to lay his hand to the heid off : —
And being inquyrit, to quhat effect he chaiffit the famin ? Anfuerit, that in ane
conventioune haldin at Brumhoillis, Sathan commandit all that wer prefent, to
tak cattis ; lyke as, he, for obedience to Sathan, chaifit the faid catt, purpoiflie
to be caffin in the fea, to raife windis for diftructioune of fchippis and boittis. —
(17.) Iteji, Fylit, that forfamekle as, be his airt of Witchcraft, Magick and
Sorcerie, he gaif him felff^ to declair to ony man, how long thay fould leve, and
quhat fould be thair end f gif thay wald tell yow the day of thair birth : Lyke
as, he foirtauld the famyn to Marioun Weddell, that hir fone fould nocht leve
• Table. ' Bewitching. ' Mole's feet. ■• Contrary to the course of the sun. ^ Professed,
gave out. ^ What death they should die.

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